User Experience and Interaction in Information Applications: Advanced Human-Machine Interfaces

User Experience and Interaction in Information Applications: Advanced Human-Machine Interfaces

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1746-4.ch011
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This chapter aims to explore the advancements and potential of human-machine interfaces (HMIs) in improving user experience and interaction in information applications. With the proliferation of digital technologies and the increasing reliance on information systems, the design and usability of interfaces play a critical role in enhancing user engagement and effectiveness. This chapter investigates the latest developments in HMIs, such as natural language processing, gesture recognition, augmented reality, and virtual reality, and examines their impact on information applications across various domains. It also highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing advanced HMIs and provides recommendations for optimizing user experience and interaction. The findings of this research contribute to the understanding of how information applications can leverage advanced HMIs to deliver seamless and intuitive user interfaces that enhance productivity, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction.
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Introduction To User Experience And Information Applications

User experience refers to the overall interaction and satisfaction that users have when using a product or service. It encompasses the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of the user's interaction with the system.

Enhancing user experience and interaction in information applications has become crucial in today's digital landscape. As more and more people rely on information applications for various tasks and activities, it is essential to ensure that these applications are designed in a way that provides a seamless and enjoyable user experience. There has been a growing interest in both academia and industry regarding user experience, as reflected in the increasing number of publications and companies transitioning towards user-centric design (Dabouis et al., 2023).

User experience plays a vital role in the success of information applications. If the user experience is poor, users may become frustrated, lose interest, and be less inclined to use the application. To address this challenge, advanced human-machine interfaces have been developed to enhance user experience and interaction in information applications.

These interfaces utilize innovative technologies and design principles to create intuitive, efficient, and engaging user experiences.

Factors Affecting User Experience and Interaction

Several factors contribute to the overall user experience and interaction in information applications.These factors include branding, usability, and the interface design (Fajar & Legowo, 2018).

Branding plays an important role in shaping the user experience. It covers all elements related to the design and visual aspects of a website or application. A visually appealing and cohesive branding can create a positive impression on users and enhance their overall experience.

Usability is another critical factor in enhancing user experience and interaction. It refers to the ease of use of the application and how well it allows users to achieve their goals. A usable information application is intuitive, efficient, and minimizes the cognitive effort required of users. Effective usability involves factors such as learnability, appropriateness, recognizably, portability, user error protection, user interface aesthetics, and accessibility (Brdnik et al., 2022). The design and interface of an information application also significantly impacts user experience and interaction.

The design of an information application includes aspects such as layout, navigation, typography, color scheme, and visual hierarchy. These design elements should be carefully considered to ensure that they are visually appealing, easy to understand and navigate, and enhance the overall user experience. In addition to branding, usability, and interface design, the quality of information provided by the application is also crucial for user experience. The information architecture and content design of the application play a vital role in shaping users' perceptions of the credibility and quality of the application. Users rely on accurate and relevant information to make informed decisions or complete tasks efficiently. Without accurate and reliable information, users may become frustrated or lose trust in the application, leading to a negative user experience. In addition to these factors, there are 'deeper' aspects that can also significantly impact the user experience (Gibson & Martinez-Maldonado, 2017).

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