Use of Online Technologies, Open Hardware, and Open-Software for Advanced Architecture Design

Use of Online Technologies, Open Hardware, and Open-Software for Advanced Architecture Design

Samuel Domínguez-Amarillo, Jesica Fernandez-Agüera, Miguel Ángel Campano, María Sánchez-Muñoz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5053-6.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The teaching of current technical disciplines poses a substantive change since the student moves from an activity focused on the acquisition of information to an acquisition of skills of various kinds. This learning requires that teaching objectives be set in terms of ability, in professional and existential situations, which are likely to manifest in real life. The project presented aims to develop coordination between three subjects in order to develop an educational experience through the execution of a real case. In the case presented, students will be able to immerse themselves in the complete process of providing intelligence to buildings through the use of low-cost and accessible micro-technologies for capturing information and transmitting data, using cloud databases and data exchange. With this project, it is proposed to implement new teaching methodologies that promote learning based on the acquisition of skills and cooperative work among students.
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The acquisition of skills and competencies has been the cornerstone of the paradigm shift in the new learning models. This has created a major challenge for the educational community. Since the transformation of university education in Europe began in 1999 with the implementation of the “Bologna plan or Process” which led to the creation of the European Higher Education Area (hereafter EHEA), the academy must assess the acquisition by students of several types of skills such as specific to the subject being studied, interpersonal, instrumental, or systematic (Martínez, 2020).

In approach, the goal is not to focus on knowledge transmission to students, but to make them competent in the use of what they have already acquired (Álvarez, Pérez & Suárez, 2008). Furthermore, according to Garrote, Jiménez, and Serna (2018), the use of Information and Communication Techniques (hereinafter ICT) has meant an increase in opportunities in distance training, where they have begun to be used on platforms such as the virtual classroom, MOOC courses (Massive Online Open Courses), or OER (Open Educational Resources) (Bozkurt, et all, 2015).

After the global lockdown caused by the COVID-19 crisis that has given educators time to reconsider education, many teachers found themselves in a learning environment for which they were unprepared (Orakcı, & Gelişli, 2021). In this regard, most of the educational institutions around the world had to suddenly shift to distance education through digital technologies, demonstrating the training of students through ICT. Among other factors, the fact that online learning is vastly more scalable, adaptable, and easy is the main driver of the rapid acceptance and paradigm shift (Orakcı, 2020).

Furthermore, as cited by Tejedor, Cervi, Tusa, and Parola (2020)‘The need for a transformation of traditional educational systems and the importance of having a virtual educational strategy based on flexibility or the use of methodologies and platforms adapted to screens, among others.’

This project is committed to conducting a learning experience by immersing students in the application to actual cases to acquire professional skills in the discipline and to work cooperatively. Sessions of learning can be done both face-to-face and online. The project tries to replicate an introductory experience in learning technologies using free and low-cost software platforms, accessible throughout the class, allowing direct contact with the industry subject.

The technologies and ICT systems under study are also a key factor in the new generation of buildings and will be an important part of the future career. The experience focuses on a group of architecture degree students and proposes the development of a coordinated activity between three last-year subjects. The subjects match mathematics and Architectural Engineering departments in a common goal.

The general objectives (GO) of the project are:

Key Terms in this Chapter

MOOC: Massive Online Open Courses. An online learning modality that is booming worldwide and aimed at an unlimited number of participants through the Internet according to the principle of open and massive education.

OER: Open educational resources. They are made up of documents or multimedia material whose purposes are related to education, specifically, with teaching, learning, evaluation, and research.

Sensor: Is a device that detects a change in the environment and responds to some output in the other system. A sensor converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog voltage (or sometimes a digital signal) converted to a human-readable display or transmitted for further reading or processing.

Relative Temperature (RT): Is a magnitude referred to the notion of heat measurable by means of a thermometer.

Case Method: A teaching mode in which students build their learning from the analysis and discussion of real-life experiences and situations.

Light Sensor: Device to measure the degree of lighting in a specific environment.

Air Quality: Concentration of contaminant that reaches a receptor, from the emission source, once transported and diffused through the atmosphere. It is measured by the air quality index.

Open Source: Computer programs whose programming code is accessible to any user.

Relative Humidity (RH): Relationship between the partial pressure of water vapor and the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature.

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