Use of Estimation and Control Techniques for Increasing of Efficiency Training for Public Officers in Russia

Use of Estimation and Control Techniques for Increasing of Efficiency Training for Public Officers in Russia

Sergey Nedelko, Ekaterina Eremina, Yulia Lukanina, Artem Lukanin, Alexander Osteshkov, Sergey Matyukin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9489-7.ch043
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter focuses on the use of technology estimation and control applied in Modern E-Learning Systems for training of public officers in Russia. Due to the rapid development of innovative technology, implementation of information science and technology in the educational process, it becomes obvious problem of interaction between the participants in the educational process and organizations - employers. This problem is particularly acute, and has its own specific characteristics in the field of continuing professional education of public officers in Russia. The authors propose to solve the problem of increasing the effectiveness of the training creation of a system of continuous professional development, the improvement of information and technical support activities for continuous professional development, including through the creation of a single information resource, including an updated bank of basic programs and additional professional Bank methodical, analytical and informational materials on the most pressing issues of implementation of the state policy for self-education.
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Exploring the development of pedagogical concepts of distance learning, you can organize all their diversity in the following models: industrial (traditional), cognitivist - behaviorism, constructivism and connectionism.

The result of the process of modernization of the industrial forms of education is the development of remote training, contributing to the emergence of the concept of behaviorism and cognitivist, based on the study of human behavior, which are beginning to blur the class-lesson unified technology of mass education.

In cognitive-behavioral tradition of learning is based on the behavior and / or changes in the behavior of the individual, resulting from reflection. This approach is based on the centralization of interest to the individual student, his behavior (Wedemeyer, 1971).

Active development of information technology becomes the starting point for new pedagogical concepts and learning models. So, to replace cognitive behaviorist approach distance learning come constructivist concepts, theoretical foundations of which were worked out by LS Vygotsky and Dewey (Miller, 2003). The heyday of the concepts identified was obtained in the process of technological breakthrough in hardware and software, is the implementation of the interaction of “many-to-many.” Constructivism - a set of pedagogical theories, common goal - the study of the learning process of the individual, which is based on culture and content, and knowledge itself is formed by the external environment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Continuous Professional Development: Pedagogical methodology, which consists in the approach to “Lifelong Education” in accordance with human needs at every stage of his personal and professional development, providing its adaptation to the changing scientific, technical, industrial and social conditions, continuous personal and career growth.

Estimation and Control E-Learning Systems of Technology: Methods and technologies for analysis and assessment of possible practical use E-Learning systems in programs of continuous education of public offers. Include an assessment of the readiness listener to use E-Learning, the selection of E-Learning technologies for the organization of educational process, assessment of impact and efficiency of their use in continuous education.

Network Resource for E-Learning: Distance learning portal, what containing electronic educational resources in a networked learning environment for the implementation of educational programs in the E-Learning systems.

Bank Methodical and Analytical Materials: Systematic collection of electronic educational resources for continuous education programs, including a set of teaching resources, teaching material on relevant topics of the course, a set of evaluation components to be implemented in the E-Learning systems.

Public Officers: Federal, regional and municipal officers, who study the programms of continuous education.

Modern E-Learning Systems for Training: Methodical, organizational, software and hardware solutions for the organization of educational process, that the basis of new information and communication technologies.

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