Use of a Simulator to Develop Clinical Skills for Pharmacists

Use of a Simulator to Develop Clinical Skills for Pharmacists

Ana Paula de Oliveira Barbosa, Regis Leandro Sebastiani, Marta Rosecler Bez, Cecilia Dias Flores, Mauro Silveira de Castro
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9978-6.ch033
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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A review of published studies by (Jabbur-Lopes et al., 2012), regarding virtual patients in teaching pharmaceutical services, revealed seven articles that met the following criteria: original articles and specialist opinions, published between January 1960 and December 2009, in English, where virtual patients were used in competence teaching (skills, knowledge and attitudes) and were related to pharmacist/patient interaction. Four of the studies were carried out in North America.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Pharmacotherapy Follow-Up: A component of pharmaceutical care which establishes a process whereby the pharmacist becomes responsible for the patient’s needs related to drugs. The pharmacist detects, prevents and resolves drug related problems in a systematic, continuous and documented manner with an aim to achieve defined outcomes which will improve the patient’s quality of life.

Software: A set of commands written in a programming language. These commands or instructions create responses within the program and allow its operation.

Pharmacotherapy: Study of the use and effects produced by drugs on patients as well as the treatment of illnesses by administering drugs.

Pharmaceutical Education: A matrix for mindset and practical aspects in the preparation of professional pharmacists. It is submitted to a rigorous and continuous process of adaptation to rapid changes in society, health, the job market, technology and science.

Clinical Skills: A set of knowledge and practices which aim to develop the competences necessary for the proper professional practice.

Simulations: Computational models for the study and prediction of behavior. They are available in a wide range of applications and are used primarily in education.

Virtual Patient: A simulated patient is typically generated by a computer software program used in the simulation of real clinical scenarios.

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