Use Cases of ChatGPT and Other AI Tools With Security Concerns

Use Cases of ChatGPT and Other AI Tools With Security Concerns

Ayushi Agarwal, Aaditya Trivedi, Priyanka Sharma, Ajay Bhardwaj
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6824-4.ch012
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The text explores the impact of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, on various industries, emphasizing their accessibility and efficiency. However, it highlights the limitations of LLMs, including token constraints, and the unexpected threat posed to creative jobs as AI models like DALL-E replicate art styles. Companies face a choice between AI-driven solutions and human consultants, with the importance of crafting effective prompts for LLMs emphasized. To adapt, startups and established companies must consider utilizing LLMs, even if lacking in-house expertise, to navigate the evolving landscape effectively, as AI continues to reshape industries and professional roles.
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Impacts On Market

Just as for any new technology or service in the market, there will always be a positive and negative side. They are like a coin that always comes in pairs (Sharma et al., 2023). Although the areas that they are hitting are both capitalizable as well as disheartening

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