Usage of Social Media in Education: A Paradigm Shift in the Indian Education Sector

Usage of Social Media in Education: A Paradigm Shift in the Indian Education Sector

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7450-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The pandemic is anticipated to have a significant economic impact, and it already has a terrible effect on schooling worldwide. Due to the coronavirus's quick spread, educational institutions worldwide are making the drastic leap from delivering course materials in person to doing so online. The rapid use of digital technology represents a significant paradigm change that may ultimately transform the Indian educational system. The COVID-19 scenario provides an opportunity to test new tools and technology to make education more relevant for students who cannot travel to campuses. With online learning and evaluation, there is a chance to increase knowledge and productivity while acquiring new skill sets and expedited professional talents. In this chapter, the authors have examined the educational difficulties and opportunities brought on by the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, followed by a discussion of how the Indian educational system has to be recalibrated.
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In recent times, especially after Covid-19, educational institutions are now incorporating social media innovations into their curriculum and relying on group resources and procedures to enhance the student experience. Social media use in the classroom enables students, teachers, and parents to connect with learning communities and other convenient educational systems and get more helpful information. Thanks to social networking applications, students and institutions have much potential to improve learning methods. Institutions can implement social media plugins that allow sharing and interaction through these networks. Online lessons on YouTube, distance learning courses from other universities through Skype, and a wealth of information shared on social media are all helpful to students.

Social media can provide helpful information for research purposes, such as analytics and insights on numerous topics or concerns. Being involved on as many social media platforms as possible as a school is essential because it helps you develop better student training programmes and shapes student culture. The benefit of social media in education is that students quickly discover who the authorities are in various sectors and subjects. Students are given the tools they need to accomplish outstanding results when they begin following these professionals and learning more from them.

Social media can broaden students' perspectives on various topics and instantly provides enlightening, new knowledge. As a result, students can consult professionals to get solutions to their questions. Educational institutions can communicate with students through social media platforms like Facebook, Google Plus groups, and YouTube. These platforms can be utilised to notify students about important information, disseminate school news, and make announcements. This increases interaction between the college and the students, which aids in resolving many student difficulties through group discussions.

Institutions can distribute encouraging and uplifting posts to all students on the networks and pages. So that students can participate in helpful online debates, academic institutions might start hashtag campaigns on social media. A video is a popular and beneficial tool in social media trends that can disseminate content that motivates students and aids them in their academic subjects. The exchanges between students and the school can be maintained using social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram live video. Social media's educational advantages need not end with the teacher-student interaction. Social networking usage at higher levels can also yield various additional benefits. Administrators or principals, for instance, can devise fresh ways to incorporate social media. Like disseminating school information via social media, they hosted an online parent meeting or even started fundraising efforts for various projects. Our fast-paced lives mean that social media can swiftly replace other forms of communication as parents are frequently preoccupied with work and unable to attend school events. However, this does not imply that they should not be aware of current affairs or be able to check in on their children periodically.

Social media is one of the best venues for data extraction because it provides valuable audience and subject-monitoring tools. Using tools like Instagram/Facebook polls, surveys with Google Forms or Survey Monkey, or online discussion boards like Quora, you may learn how most people feel about a given problem. This can assist students in gathering and producing pertinent study information. Some of the best data and outcomes may be gleaned from social media, whether students are working on an assignment, working on a project, or seeking more insight on a subject. Presentations of such data may be made with the aid of Slideshare. A learning management system (LMS) networking programme allows institutions to carry out additional administrative tasks and deliver educational programmes. In Learning Management Systems, social media learning can be accessed through video chat, forums for information sharing, and other lesson resources for students.

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