Unveiling the Layered Architecture of IoT: A Comprehensive Overview

Unveiling the Layered Architecture of IoT: A Comprehensive Overview

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2373-1.ch008
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This chapter presents an extensive exploration of the multi-layered framework constituting the IoT infrastructure. This abstract encapsulates a detailed examination of the fundamental layers integral to IoT's functionality. Starting with the foundational Perception Layer, encompassing sensors and actuators, it progresses to the Network Layer facilitating seamless data transmission. Delving deeper, it explores the Middleware Layer, pivotal in data processing, and the diverse functionalities of the application layer across various domains. Moreover, the abstract sheds light on the security and management layer, emphasizing its critical role in safeguarding IoT systems. The interplay and interdependence among these layers are intricately examined, illustrating their collective significance in orchestrating IoT operations. Through this comprehensive overview, the abstract aims to elucidate the nuanced interactions within the layered architecture, providing a holistic understanding essential for leveraging the potential of IoT technologies across diverse industries and applications.
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The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a revolutionary force that is changing the face of technology by connecting systems and devices to form a networked web of data and functionality. At its core lies a layered architecture, a stratified framework essential for the seamless operation and efficiency of IoT ecosystems. This comprehensive analysis embarks on a meticulous journey to unravel, scrutinize, and comprehend the multifaceted layers constituting the bedrock of IoT technology.

The interconnection of various types of entities, which could include humans, sensors, or anything else that could inquire or offer a service, is known as the Internet of Things (IoT) (Hong, Y. G., et al. 2015). An isolated device can become a communicating thing due to the development of numerous communication protocols as well as the decrease in transceivers. Furthermore, though their sizes have significantly reduced, the computational power, energy capacity, and storage capabilities of small computing or sensing devices have substantially enhanced (Hong, Y. G., Choi, et al. 2015)12. The “Internet of Things” conceptualizes a digital world in which everything in the surrounding has a digital identity which is a part of a network, and exchanges information via communication (Ray, P. P. 2018). The Internet of Things (IoT) applications have grown significantly in the last several years thanks to advancements in WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) and (RFID) Radio Frequency Identification. RFID, the Internet of Things' primary identifying technology, makes it possible to stamp or mark every item. WSN classifies all people and objects as things. It transforms into a wirelessly identifying object that can communicate with other physical, digital, and cyber objects (Dange S., Chatterjee M. (2020; Kushner, D. 2013).

IoT devices have embedded transceivers, processors, actuators, and sensors. IoT is considered to be a collection of numerous technologies that work together (Constantinos Kolias, G. K. (2017). Several Applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) are centered on automating different processes to give inanimate physical objects the ability to act without human intervention. The surviving and forthcoming IoT applications are extremely promising to increase the user’s level of comfort, efficiency, and automation. To create a setting this comfortable, robust security, privacy, authentication, and attack recovery are required. Consequently, to accomplish end-to-end encryption and secure IoT settings, the IoT application architecture must be modified as needed. Interacting with the physical environment is made possible through sensors and actuators. To draw relevant inferences from the data collected by sensors, it must be accurately prepared, and stored. The action is performed by the device called an actuator whereas the changes are detected through the device called a sensor. Temperature, pressure, water quality, chemical reactions, smoke sensors, and other physical phenomena can all be measured by a sensor. The output is delivered which is based on the concept of the sensor that provided its internal state and environment referred to as current state. Similar to the temperature controller on an air conditioner, an actuator modifies the surrounding conditions. Data processing and storage might be carried out on a remote server or at the network's edge. The available resources also confine the storage and processing abilities of an IoT object. Lot many challenges are faced in data collection, communication, and security as well. The newer wireless networks are used among the IoT devices with high-ranking sensors and innovative computing abilities that guarantee to lead us to smarter and more comfortable lives. Security is the major concern in IOT applications with the speed increase in the role of IOT applications in most areas [Shen, Guicheng, and Bingwu Liu., 2011; Howell, J. 2017).

The security issues raised by IoT technology are gaining increasing attention due to the ongoing advancement of theoretical knowledge and the expansion of real-world application scenarios (Al-Kashoash, H. A., & Kemp, A. H. 2016).

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