Unravelling AI and Machine Learning Essentials in Alzheimer's Research

Unravelling AI and Machine Learning Essentials in Alzheimer's Research

Saravanan V., Ruth Ramya Kalangi, Saravanan Thangavel, Venkata Ramana K.
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3605-2.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Artificial intelligence (AI) and system mastering (ML) have received a good-sized interest in Alzheimer's studies due to their capability to enhance prognosis and treatment. But a comprehensive know-how of these technologies and their software in Alzheimer's studies remains lacking. This review objectives to resolve the essentials of AI and ML in Alzheimer's studies, highlighting their capacity effect on sickness development and control. The results outline the modern-day nation of AI and ML use in Alzheimer's research and the challenges in their implementation, providing a foundation for additional improvements in this subject. The field of Alzheimer's studies has been greatly impacted by way of the fast improvement of artificial intelligence (AI) and system studying (ML) techniques. With a growing quantity of records being generated in this discipline and the need for more accurate predictions and remedies, AI and ML have come to be crucial gear for unraveling the complexities of Alzheimer's disease.
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