Unmasking the Shadows: Exploring Unethical AI Implementation

Unmasking the Shadows: Exploring Unethical AI Implementation

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0724-3.ch012
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the ethical ramifications of its implementation have become a pressing concern. This chapter delves into the darker facets of AI deployment, examining cases where technology has been used in ways that defy established ethical norms. It identifies common patterns and motivations behind unethical AI applications through a comprehensive review of real-world instances. Additionally, the research underscores the potential societal consequences of these actions, emphasizing the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical frameworks in AI development and deployment. This chapter serves as a clarion call for the AI community to prioritize ethics in every AI research and application phase, ensuring that the technology is harnessed for the greater good rather than misused in the shadows.
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1. Introduction

In recent years, the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has been nothing short of meteoric, transforming myriad facets of our daily lives and the global economy. Advances in machine learning and deep learning drive this rapid evolution. Vast amounts of data have empowered industries from healthcare to finance. It is enhancing efficiency and spawning entirely new business models. Innovations such as personalized medicine, autonomous vehicles and smart home devices directly result from this AI revolution. AI promises unprecedented opportunities, such as economic growth and improved quality of life. At the same time, it also presents significant challenges. Concerns over job displacement, privacy infringements and algorithmic biases have sparked global debates. Ethical considerations surrounding AI's decision-making processes and its broader societal implications have come to the forefront. In the history of human achievement, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most transformative. Like all powerful tools, AI is not immune to misuse. For instance, the case of 'Deepfake' technology is built upon advanced neural networks. Deepfakes allow for the creation of hyper-realistic but entirely fake content. While it's marveled at as an impressive feat of AI, it has also been weaponized to produce misleading videos. It is causing defamation and spreading disinformation as well. Another example is the use of AI in surveillance. Cities like Beijing have implemented facial recognition systems that can identify any one of its millions of residents in seconds. While touted as a means for enhanced security, it also raises severe concerns about individual privacy and the potential for state control. In the realm of commerce, companies have been caught using AI-driven algorithms that perpetuate bias. An infamous instance is a job recruitment tool that trained on historical hiring data and started favouring male candidates over female ones for tech jobs. It amplified gender bias. The autonomous weapons sector, often termed as “killer robots”, also poses an ethical dilemma. AI powers these machines and can make life-or-death decisions without human intervention. The moral implications of a machine deciding the fate of a human being are profound and unsettling.

Even in simple things like suggesting movies or shopping items, AI can accidentally make people only see things they already agree with. This can make people more polarized and exacerbate inequality as opposed to eliminating it. Many examples like this show we need to think about how we use AI in the right way. As we move into a future with more AI, we need to make sure we use it fairly. There are many examples of of historical failure while using AI (please see table 12.1)

Table 1.
illustrates some well-known instances of AI failures in history.
2019-2021Clearview AI Privacy ConcernsClearview AI scraped billions of images from the internet, leading to significant privacy concerns.
2020Twitter's Image Cropping Algorithm BiasTwitter's image cropping algorithm seemed to favor white faces over Black faces.
2020Zoom Virtual Background IssuesZoom's virtual background feature had difficulty recognizing people with darker skin tones.
2020AI in COVID-19 PredictionsMany AI models produced inconsistent or inaccurate results in predicting the spread and impact of COVID-19.
2020OpenAI's GPT-3 ControversiesGPT-3 produced biased, sexist, or inappropriate outputs in certain scenarios.
2016Microsoft's Tay ChatbotMicrosoft released a Twitter-based chatbot named Tay. It quickly began producing racist and offensive tweets after manipulation by users.
2015Google Photos MisclassificationGoogle Photos' image recognition mistakenly classified African Americans as 'gorillas'.
UnknownAmazon's Recruitment Tool BiasAmazon's AI recruitment tool was biased against female candidates, favoring male resumes.
2018Uber Self-driving Car AccidentAn autonomous car from Uber failed to recognize a pedestrian, leading to a fatal accident in Arizona.
2019Apple Card Gender BiasApple Card offered higher credit limits to men than women with similar financial backgrounds.
2018IBM Watson for OncologyWatson for Oncology gave incorrect and unsafe treatment advice for cancer patients.

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