Unlocking the Potential of AI-Powered Digital Twins in Advancing Space Technology: A Comprehensive Survey

Unlocking the Potential of AI-Powered Digital Twins in Advancing Space Technology: A Comprehensive Survey

Ruby Dahiya, S. Rajanarayanan, K. Baskar, Hidayath Ali Baig
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch019
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The chapter provides an overview of the survey study that focuses on the synergistic potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins in the context of space technology. Digital twins, which are virtual replicas of physical systems or objects, have gained significant importance in the field of space technology. They serve as powerful tools for simulating and monitoring complex space missions, and when combined with AI technologies like machine learning and deep learning, they offer a wealth of opportunities for optimizing, automating, and improving space-related processes. In addition to highlighting the benefits, the survey also delves into the challenges and obstacles that researchers, engineers, and space agencies encounter while implementing AI-powered digital twins. These challenges encompass issues like data integration, model accuracy, and the computational demands of these sophisticated systems.
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2. Literature Survey

The digital twin technology has emerged as a driving force in the advancement of space technology. This literature review provides an overview of key developments, trends, and insights from existing research, showcasing the profound impact of AI-powered digital twins in the space sector.

2.1 Digital Twins in Space Technology

Digital twins have emerged as a prominent and groundbreaking technology in the space industry, offering virtual replicas of various space assets, including spacecraft, satellites, and even planetary environments. These digital twins are sophisticated, data-driven models that replicate physical objects or systems in a digital environment (Fuller, A., Fan, Z., Day, C,2020). In the context of space technology, researchers and space agencies have harnessed the power of digital twins to create highly accurate simulations and models of space missions. This approach provides an invaluable tool for gaining a comprehensive understanding of real-world conditions and challenges in the space environment.

The advantages of digital twins in space technology is their ability to facilitate the simulation and modeling of complex missions. Space agencies and researchers can use digital twins to conduct virtual test scenarios, assess the performance of spacecraft and equipment under various conditions, and predict how different factors may impact mission success (Barricelli, B.R., Casiraghi, E, 2019). This empowers space professionals to fine-tune mission plans with a level of precision that was previously unattainable, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes and minimizing risks. By leveraging digital twins, the space industry is taking a significant step forward in its quest to explore, understand, and conquer the challenges of the cosmos.

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