Unlocking Biologica Insights: Harnessing Machine Learning for Analysis in Complex Biological Data

Unlocking Biologica Insights: Harnessing Machine Learning for Analysis in Complex Biological Data

P. Nancy, G. Padmapriya, M. Suresh Anand, D. Vinod, R. Anto Arockia Rosaline
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4159-9.ch016
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Recently, researchers in the field of bioinformatics have demonstrated a significant amount of interest in the use of computational methods for the purpose of forecasting clinical outcomes. The processing of biological data has been significantly improved over the past several years thanks to the development of technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, evolutionary algorithms, and other related technologies. By utilizing these technical breakthroughs, it is possible to handle biological data sets that contain more complex interrelationships. The prediction of cancer using microarray data may be accomplished by the utilization of a variety of machine learning techniques, such as clustering and classification algorithms, for instance. It is now possible for computers to learn from samples taken from the actual world, rather than being explicitly programmed to do so. As a result of the fact that the acquisition and interpretation of pictures is essential to the accurate evaluation and diagnosis of illnesses.
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More and more different kinds of biological data are being collected, which means that the need for data analysis is only going to increase (Y. Liu, et al.,2018). The sources of biological data include a wide range of sources, including medical records, laboratory studies, and other initiatives that are analogous to medical records. This larger picture includes a variety of different types of biological data, including nucleotide sequences, metabolic pathways, protein sequences, medical imaging, gene expression data, and other types of biological information. An assortment of databases are used to store the biological data in order to facilitate the application of a variety of analytical methods. Microarray technology is utilized, for example, in order to measure significant amounts of gene expression in response to a variety of environmental conditions. This technique also makes it simpler to sequence DNA in parallel, which is another benefit of employing NGS. Tuxedo tool for RNA-sequence analysis and Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) for genotyping are just two examples of the various data analysis pipelines that may be utilized to sort through the mountains of data that are produced by these sequencing technologies. Both of these tools are samples of the many that are available. The utilization of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in these investigations results in the development of a vast feature space, which in turn leads to an increase in the amount of time required for analysis and a loss in accuracy due to the presence of redundant features. There is an obvious requirement for storage, computation, and analysis in order to carry out these investigations on enormous volumes of biological data. Therefore, in order to assist hundreds of sample analyses simultaneously, it is necessary to have systems that are rapid, adaptive, and memory-efficient. An additional challenging task is the detection of diseases through the use of medical image analysis. Diagnostic imaging, which includes X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, and other medical imaging modalities, assists medical professionals in detecting ailments at an earlier stage. Over the past several years, improvements in Deep Learning (DL) techniques, Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, and other related software have contributed to the improvement of biological data analytics. Learning by examples, as opposed to learning through explicit code, is made possible by machine learning and deep learning. These technologies have the potential to manage more complex interactions in biological data, and they can also find applications in medical imaging for the purpose of accurate illness diagnosis and evaluation. This capability is contingent on the picture acquisition and interpretation processes. In addition, a wide variety of machine learning algorithms, including clustering and classification methods, may be utilized to forecast cancer by utilizing microarray data. In addition, EA is utilized in the treatment of a variety of biological problems that need optimized computation requirements and approximate answers.

It is necessary to have a precise diagnosis of cancer tumors in order to gain the maximum benefit from particular treatments. The classification of cancer has been more accurate over the past several years; nonetheless, it is still required to have a method that is both totally automated and less personal when it comes to sickness conclusion. DNA microarrays have been found to give relevant data for cancer classification in the majority of research (S. Sladojevic, et al., 2016). This is accomplished by evaluating the levels of expression of a large number of genes under a variety of environmental conditions. When dealing with microarray data that is high dimensional, has a restricted sample size, and contains information that is both irrelevant and noisy, classification becomes a more difficult task. When attempting to classify samples (for example, distinguishing cancer patients from healthy individuals), it is frequently necessary to identify significant genes or features from high-dimensional data. It is necessary to have the appropriate qualities in order to facilitate classification. The process of selecting features is an efficient strategy that may be utilized to improve classification performance in general (Y. n. Sun, et al., 2010), (M. Veta, et al., 2014).

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