Understanding the Critical Role of E-Waste Repurposing in the Delivery of a Green or Circular Economy for Emerging Economies

Understanding the Critical Role of E-Waste Repurposing in the Delivery of a Green or Circular Economy for Emerging Economies

Kwaku Addai, Dervis Kirikkaleli, Sema Yılmaz Genç
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7020-6.ch008
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Globally, one major concept that has attracted policy and academic interest is the green economy. Evidence has shown that a green economy can deliver the needed sustainable development, protect biophysical resources, create jobs, and create an inclusive society. However, current green economy approaches applied in the e-waste sector culminate at the landfill and seems to have forgotten the power of e-waste repurposing. This chapter highlights the critical role of e-waste repurposing towards the delivery of a green or circular economy for emerging economies and makes significant policy suggestions for consideration.
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The ever-growing industrial activity remains one singular factor driving the economic growth of global economies but which sadly generates a wellspring of environmental and ecological damages, threatening human existence (Mitchell, 2008). One of the recent disturbing environmental problems is the growing rate of e-waste worldwide. Globally, e-waste refers to a huge variety of electric and microelectronic equipment usually discarded and landed on our communities as waste. They commonly include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, copiers, cellphones, cameras, batteries, and an unending list of electronic devices. Humankind's insatiable demand for electronic devices is blamed for this fastest and exponentially growing electronic waste stream. According to the United Nations environmental report, the year;y value of worldwide e-waste is valued at $62.5 billion. What is more disturbing with this trend is the projected 120 million tonnes of e-waste per year by 2050 (UNDP, 2019). Regrettably, several empirical evidence suggests that less than 20% of global e-waste is formally recycled; and the rest either ends up at landfills, deposited in the oceans, discarded on our streets or are informally recycled, typically in developing countries.

The effects of unsustainable e-waste management include the exposure of participants to harmful substances, including mercury and cadmium (Awasthi, et at., 2016). E-waste deposited at landfills, rivers, and oceans contains hazardous and carcinogenic substances which heavily contaminate surface water, soil, and groundwater. Fisheries and food. But while the increasing number of electronic devices poses an existential threat to humanity, they could also deliver the much-needed green circular economy if the connected-based world could accelerate technological progress towards the United Nations SDGs. By utilizing electronic products, the world could help reduce CO2 emissions compared to mineral extraction, which is found to pose a danger to the environment. Recent calls by UN agencies to rethink the current electronics system; and adopt a circular economy, which places value to discarded electronic products. By placing value to e-waste, the world can reduce negative environmental effects while creating decent and sustainable jobs. This is significant to emerging economies, where for example, close to 100,000 people are employed in the not-formalized e-waste sector of Nigeria, and capturing a latent value of 500,000 tonnes of e-waste annually, which is unsustainably disposed of. Electronic monitor recycling, for example, presents a complex scenario in e-waste because it contains quantities of critical materials and precious metals as well as plastic and steel or aluminum and has been identified as a significant source of secondary raw materials. Many of these materials are lost during recovery because of ineffective pretreatment methods such as shredding. Because of the manufacturing processes used, these computers also contain parts with a high embodied energy (Kwak et al., 2011). Because of the energy used in the production of Printed Wiring Boards (PWB), Processors (CPU), and Memory (RAM), these components must have an optimal use phase to compensate for the previous energy use.

Key Terms in this Chapter

EEE: This stands for electronic and electrical equipment

E-Waste Fractions: E-waste parts generated from electronic or manual dismantling

E-Waste Repurposing: Using e-waste fractions or parts to generate a different product.

4RS of waste: These are reuse, reduce, recycle, and recover of waste.

EPR: This stands for extended producer responsibility.

E-Waste Dismantling: This involves electronically or manually opening equipment to separate the housing from the rest and segregating the parts, including grouping marketable and non-marketable fractions.

Upcycling: Using innovation and technology to repurpose e-waste fractions.

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