Tweeting to Vindicate the “Marginalised Nigerian Diaspora” in China: A Content Analysis of Nigeria MFAs' Online Communications

Tweeting to Vindicate the “Marginalised Nigerian Diaspora” in China: A Content Analysis of Nigeria MFAs' Online Communications

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8394-4.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In a bid to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic in its territory, the Chinese government embarked on a number of muscular policies right from the early stages of the pandemic. One of such policies was aimed at forcing Africans living in the Guangdong province to accept COVID-19 prevention and containment measures. Subsequently viewed as xenophobic, this policy rapidly degenerated into a diplomatic incident, opposing Chinese and African governments. Through its officials and its diplomats, the Nigerian government in particular condemned the Chinese policies using Twitter among other digital platforms. This chapter seeks to show how Nigerian diplomats deployed Twitter to critique China's perceived xenophobic treatment of Nigerian diasporas in its territory during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter is based on a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 12 randomly selected tweets generated by senior staffers at Nigeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to denounce the maltreatment of the Nigerian Diaspora in China.
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From “Nigerianophobia” To A Diplomatic Incident: A Background To The Study

In early April 2020, the Chinese authorities announced a campaign aimed at compelling all foreigners living in the Guangdong province to accept “COVID-19 prevention and containment” measures. The campaign included “testing, sampling and quarantine” and was justified by the need for China to mitigate the increase in imported cases of COVID-19 in parts of the country with large communities of foreigners. Although inclusive on paper, the campaign soon became a measure exclusively aimed at African communities which, according to statistics, constitute about 14,000 heads, excluding undocumented Africans. In effect, in guise of applying the policy, the Guangdong authorities began targeting mostly African communities, subjecting their members to forceful testing and quarantine. In the process, the Chinese authorities visited the homes of African residents, testing the latter on the spot or ordering them to take a test at specific local hospitals. A number of Africans were also subjected to self-isolation in houses equipped with surveillance cameras and alarms aimed at monitoring them. In addition to this, the Chinese authorities embarked on impromptus and unannounced inspections at gathering places (notably restaurants and shops) frequented by Africans. Such inspection visits aimed at screening these places and quarantining related personnel and patronisers irrespective of nationality.

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