Turkish Teachers' Experiences About the Transition From Online Learning to Face-to-Face Classes During COVID-19: School Life After Lockdown

Turkish Teachers' Experiences About the Transition From Online Learning to Face-to-Face Classes During COVID-19: School Life After Lockdown

Sevim Bezen, Nihan Demirkasımoğlu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4240-1.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This research aimed to examine the translation process from online learning to face-to-face education for about two years from the perspective of teachers. It was designed as phenomenological qualitative research with the participation of 16 Turkish high school teachers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, and content analysis was used in data analysis. Results revealed that teachers perceived the online learning process as inefficient, and it has negative reflections on face-to-face education. It has been determined that students have communication, social development, and motivation problems. Students' learning losses were emphasized. In this context, to reduce the adverse effects that emerged after this extraordinary period and to ensure the continuity of the education, cooperation with the families and make-up trainings should be considered to support students' learning speeds and needs.
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Online Learning Process

The online learning environment is regarded as an innovative education context that allows the education to be continued regardless of time and place. Teaching and learning activities could be carried out using technological tools without the limitations of face-to-face education (Sabates et al., 2021). Because of this flexible use of educational materials and different technological tools (Yamamoto & Altun, 2020), teaching and learning can be moved beyond physical boundaries. Thanks to this learning environment, online interaction between student-student and teacher-student can be realized. It offers a web-based environment where individuals with common goals and interests can share their experiences (Davidson-Shivers et al., 2018). Thanks to the online learning environment, teachers take advantage of educational opportunities and use various innovative strategies in the education and training process. Thus, teachers enable students to be active learners by using digital education strategies effectively (Reimers, 2021). This environment primarily supports students who have difficulty going to school physically to continue their learning activities in an online environment with limited mobility (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).

The online learning environment also drives students to find creative solutions by increasing their willingness to try new tools. With a more exciting learning environment, students and teachers choose innovative ways to support the realization of teaching and learning (Doucet et al., 2020). It is possible to learn quickly through the videos prepared for visual learning purposes by providing easy access to the information with the internet facility (Lim & Richardson, 2016). In the meantime, communication technologies support individual learning in different ways by supporting the teaching of students at their own learning pace, thus increasing the students' academic success (Can, 2020). It is known that online learning environments are considered necessary to catch up with the era in this time of rapid digitalization (Aktaş et al., 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Learning Achievement: A student’s success level in learning the subject at school.

Online Learning: A web-based environment that students use asynchronous or synchronous tools.

Digital Literacy: Students' ability to find, understand, analyze, produce and share information through phones, tablets, and computers.

Scientific literacy: The individual's curiosity about daily experiences, asking questions, and reasoning on these questions.

Online Resources: Printed resources are transferred to the internet environment.

Learning Loss: Student falls behind the learning objectives in the planned learning process, does not learn at all, or loses what s/he has learned.

Social Development: As a result of a student's establishing social relations with other individuals, s/he gains the necessary behaviors and approaches to adapt to the principles and values of the society and universal culture.

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