Transition for Transformation for Sustainable Automation

Transition for Transformation for Sustainable Automation

Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5879-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Transformation and specifically digital transformation have been at the heart and soul of all enterprises. The focus of enterprises when it comes to transformation has been on digital transformation and in some cases organisational transformation. However, very rarely transformation has focused on both digital and organisational transformation, and very rarely for the purposes for transition for transformation. Transformation on its own will only provide improvement and enhancement to the current processes and systems and will not introduce new and innovate methods and approaches to the enterprises knowledge and capabilities. This chapter aims to emphasis the characteristics of transition for transformation from a business perspective in light of 21st century challenges and emphasizes the importance of transparency and collaboration.
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Mining Knowledge and Capability

Digital Transformation? Really? Let’s begin positively where most innovation projects fail, let’s not get people on the back foot and scaremonger with bullying tactics, lets apply common logic and decency and ensure realistic psychological reassurance is administered.

After all it is unproductive to start the process by highlighting the unnecessary label of transformation, after all who wants to be told they need to be transformed.

Surely the best practice approach should be evolutionary, transformation by default creating an intuitive and innovative transitional roadmap and a desire by all to deliver excellence supported by productive quality data – in. By adopting this mantra, eliminating ego and protection of domain data we stimulate only a desire to achieve collaboratively and create a dynamic sharing economy (Smaczny, 2001).

Once established we automagically create quality solutions and then the whole facets of the business become digital by default. If we are forced to deliver just any and all data, then we only end up automating a data mess that was is already recorded in the system for data sake and remains unproductive meaningless and unstructured and held hostage by the nay Sayers. I suppose a good analogy of this is having all the best ingredients, but not knowing how to create the actual meal or bake the perfect cake!

CEO, Directors, Management and full team buy-in and collaboration in all departments across the business is essential. This collaborative cross-pollination of data and process is possibly the most important first steps in uncovering; “The Art of The Possible. With an uncontaminated and open mindedness acceptance of what can be.

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