Transforming Consumer Experience Through ChatGPT: Challenges and Opportunities

Transforming Consumer Experience Through ChatGPT: Challenges and Opportunities

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0815-8.ch008
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This chapter analyzes the transformative potential of ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, in reshaping consumer experience across various industries. It provides an in-depth exploration of how ChatGPT, through its advanced capabilities in natural language processing and machine learning, can enhance consumer engagement, automate repetitive tasks, and deliver personalized responses to complex queries. The chapter also underscores the strategic role of ChatGPT in digital marketing and consumer support. The chapter analyzes ChatGPT-consumer Interaction (CCI), discussing the importance of CCI design patterns, prompt engineering and usability evaluation in creating effective and engaging consumer interactions, and provides a real-life case study. The chapter further discusses the opportunities that ChatGPT presents for businesses. It highlights how the tool can help organizations gain a competitive edge by providing faster, more accurate consumer service, and by leveraging consumer data to inform decision-making and create targeted marketing campaigns.
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1. Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of technological innovation, with its applications spanning across various sectors, including education (Rah-man and Watanobe, 2023), healthcare (Cascella et al., 2023), business manage-ment (Burger et al., 2023), engineering (Dimiduk, 2018) and others. One of the most significant advancements in AI is the development of generative models, such as the Generative Pre-Trained Transformer-3 (GPT-3), which has revolu-tionized the way we interact with machines (Archibald and Clark, 2023).

ChatGPT is one of AI programs, which become very popular in the short term. This AI chatbot is built on the GPT-3 model. It has garnered significant attention for its pronounced synthesis and language capabilities. It is an inter-active conversational model that can respond to prompts in different text forms by disputing underlying definitions, asserting and contesting assumptions, and seeking and clarifying through follow-up questions (Goar et al., 2023). The sig-nificance of ChatGPT lies in its potential to transform consumer engagement for business tasks. By automating repetitive tasks and providing personalized responses to complex queries (Taecharungroj, 2023), ChatGPT can enhance con-sumer experience and improve overall productivity levels across organizations. Moreover, its application in digital marketing and consumer support services can provide businesses with a competitive edge, enabling them to deliver faster and more accurate consumer services. However, the integration of ChatGPT into existing consumer engagement strategies is not without challenges. Data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need for continuous training and updating of the AI model (Kapočiute-Dzikiene, 2020) are some of the potential hurdles that businesses may face. Despite these challenges, the opportunities presented by ChatGPT are immense. By leveraging AI and ChatGPT, businesses can gain insights into consumer trends and patterns, inform decision-making, and cre-ate targeted marketing campaigns. This study aims to explore these challenges and opportunities, providing a holistic understanding of the role of ChatGPT in transforming consumer engagement.

The main aim of this study is to explore the transformative potential of Chat-GPT in reshaping consumer experience and engagement behavior. To achieve this, the study aims to:

  • Investigate the role of ChatGPT in enhancing consumer engagement behav-ior through interactions with technologies, automating repetitive tasks, and delivering personalized responses.

  • Analyze the principals and models of ChatGPT-Consumer Interaction (CCI) it could be formalized using the concepts of design patterns, prompt engi-neering, and templates.

  • Discuss the ChatGPT usability evaluation of CCI including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.

  • Examine the strategic role of ChatGPT in digital marketing, consumer sup-port services, and engagement, with a focus on its potential to optimize sales-force operations.

  • Identify and analyze the challenges associated with implementing ChatGPT, including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need for continuous training and updating of the AI model.

  • Explore the opportunities presented by ChatGPT, particularly its potential to provide businesses with a competitive edge through faster, more accurate consumer services, and its ability to leverage consumer data for decision-making and targeted marketing campaigns.

  • Provide recommendations for businesses on how to use effectively ChatGPT and other AI tools to improve their consumer engagement strategies and achieve better business outcomes.

This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on AI-enabled consumer engagement.

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