Transformational Strategies and Implications for Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Transformational Strategies and Implications for Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Mustafa Yılmaz, Volkan Polat
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5015-1.ch011
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Entrepreneurship has an effective position in the economic context. The positive impact of entrepreneurship on economic development, employment, and welfare in societies has increased the interest of different disciplines in the concept of entrepreneurship. The concept of digital entrepreneurship has emerged as a result of developments in digital technologies, especially internet technology. The increasing volume of electronic commerce has increased the interest in digital entrepreneurship because of the increased use of the internet and the impact of social media platforms. Digital entrepreneurship ecosystem encompasses all the elements that support the development of this field. In line with this information, the conceptual framework of digital entrepreneurship will be explained, and the technological applications within the digital entrepreneur ecosystem and how these applications support digital entrepreneurship will be explained.
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In order to create the theoretical framework for the purposes of the study, several databases were used in the literature review. To search, Google Scholar was used with extensive research terms and different databases were reached. Articles, books, and conference proceedings from primary, secondary and peer-reviewed sources were scanned.

As search terms, going from general to specific: entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship, digital technologies, business ecosystem, entrepreneurship ecosystem, transformation, digital transformation, management, and strategies etc. the terms like were used with different combinations and detailed search options. In addition to the searches made with terms in the databases, studies related to the subject and purpose of the research have been reached with the snowball method. While evaluating the studies, the relevance of the journals to the field of research and the availability of up-to-date studies as much as possible were considered.

In this study, the following two questions were tried to be answered:

  • Q1: What is Digital entrepreneurial ecosystem?

  • Q2: What are the strategies to be applied in the creation, development and use of entrepreneurship ecosystems in digital transformation?

Key Terms in this Chapter

Intrapreneurship: The entrepreneurship activities that take place under an institution’s or organization’s roof.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: The social and economic environments that affect entrepreneurship.

Digital Entrepreneurship: Any entrepreneurial action that happens when all or a part of a product or a service is presented in a digital environment.

Digital Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Whole social, economic, and technological environment that should be found to establish and continue a digital enterprise.

Entrepreneurship: The process undertaken to obtain earnings and added value, in line with certain conditions and economic risks.

Locus of Control: The personality traits relevant to individuals’ perception on the differences between their behaviors and the results of these behaviors.

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