Transformational Innovation Technologies for Regenerative Bioeconomy: Case Study on Green Initiatives for Tourism Logistics Service Providers

Transformational Innovation Technologies for Regenerative Bioeconomy: Case Study on Green Initiatives for Tourism Logistics Service Providers

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8879-9.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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The tourism industry has negative environmental consequences, overshadowing the regenerative bioeconomy. Climate change, land degradation, and resource depletion are significant challenges. Excessive use of non-biodegradable resources threatens the planet, requiring bio-based resources. It is critical to transition to and reuse bio-based resources. In this chapter, the regenerative bioeconomy has a wide-reaching impact on accomplishing SDG 6, 8, 11, and 12, with a focus on the circular economy's involvement in tourism logistics. Investments in talent development, digital technologies, and partnerships are needed to realise bioeconomy potential. Engaging local communities and implementing sustainable business practices can reduce energy use and environmental impact. Digital transformation requires technological advancements, foreign investment, and active participation from all stakeholders. This chapter tries to explain the complicated interplay between the regenerative bioeconomy, tourism logistics, and sustainable practises intertwining.
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Objective And Purpose Of The Study

The globe is facing climate change as a major threat, which occurred due to extensive consumption of non-biodegradable resources and excess production of carbon emissions. Hence, the concept of bioeconomy is introduced and practised to enhance sustainable development and completely shift towards the consumption of biodegradable resources. The tourism logistics service providers have also initiated green initiatives along with technological advancements that meet sustainable development goals and create a path for circular concept of business operations. The introduction of green practices that include eco-friendly vehicles, the usage of bio-fuels, and the amalgamation of advanced automation enhance sustainable development through a regenerative bioeconomy.

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