Traffic: An Intelligent System for Detecting Traffic Events Based on Ontologies

Traffic: An Intelligent System for Detecting Traffic Events Based on Ontologies

Hayder Luis Endo Pérez, Amed Abel Leiva Mederos, José Antonio Senso-Ruíz, Ghislain Auguste Atemezing, Daniel Gálvez Lio, Jose Luis Sánchez-Chávez, Alfredo Simón Cueva
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1487-6.ch003
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Traffic event detection is a multidisciplinary field that includes information retrieval, automatic, big data, etc. The absence of tools that integrate the detection of traffic events with the annotation, grouping, and location of events on transport routes led to the conception and implementation of this intelligent system based on ontologies for the management of streams, which facilitates the grouping of traffic data. As a result of the application of the system, it was possible to identify the speed events of a road in real-time and validate its efficiency through clustering algorithms.
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Next, the architecture of the Traffic system is introduced, describing its components, the communication between these components and with other domain definitions and finally, how to semantically query the annotated data using the SPARQL language will be exemplified.

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