Traffic Sign Detection for Real-World Application Using Hybrid Deep Belief Network Classification

Traffic Sign Detection for Real-World Application Using Hybrid Deep Belief Network Classification

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1396-1.ch011
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By integrating automated driving systems (ADS) and AI-driven advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) like the traffic sign detection (TSD) technology, the automotive sector can develop smart and self-driving cars. Traffic signs (TS) play a crucial role in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion. Motorists need to understand the visual representations of various data elements incorporated in traffic symbols. There are often instances where drivers neglect TS located ahead of their vehicles, resulting in severe outcomes. This research offers an automatic TSD forecast utilising the hybrid deep belief network (HDBN) model for classification to address this issue. When it comes to forecasting the future world of smart urban cities, the given HDBN model primarily focuses on high-precision traffic prediction. The rider sunflower optimization (RSFO) technique is utilised to improve the hyper parameter tuning, which improves the overall effectiveness of the traffic flow prediction process. Overall, the suggested TSD system is found to be a highly efficient method of detecting TS, performing exceptionally well in relation to precision, recall, accuracy, and F1. The suggested solution under evaluation appears to perform better in terms of accuracy than other current methods stated in this chapter.
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1. Introduction

Road safety, regulating and managing traffic flow, and assisting drivers are all made possible by TS. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) study on the Worldwide Global Status report, over 1.35 million individuals died from starvation as a result of road traffic accidents in 2018 (Khan et al., 2023). As a result, the scientific and research community has been very interested in TSD and categorization because of its many applications in fields like automated vehicles, automated driving, and security monitoring (Tao et al., 2020). A traffic accident may be caused directly or indirectly by neglecting or failing to recognize these TS. However, in poor road conditions, the driver could purposefully or unintentionally fail to see TS (Saadna et al., 2019). Many automated driving employ high-definition (HD) mapping supply comprehensive information about the surrounding of the road (Zhang et al., 2021). However, using HD mapping costs money because of the time consuming and hard production process (Kim et al., 2021). Further significantly, HD mapping could be impacted by discrepancies among saved TS and recent updates (Rajendran et al., 2019). Along with guiding drivers, smart object recognition systems can make it simpler to manage the surrounds of the road, such as speed limit signs, road markings, and guard rails (Fazekas et al., 2022). Traffic surveillance systems, for instance, can rapidly analyse harm or defects using automated vehicles for monitoring purposes since it is challenging to manually examine every part of a road scene (Kortmann et al., 2022). As a consequence, traffic surveillance equipment is essential for keeping an eye across both road administration and vehicle choice systems. There are two substantial challenges to solve even if actual driving vehicles should have steady backing from a traffic monitoring system. The first problem is the poor picture clarity brought on by a variety of external elements, including the climate, light, and diffraction (Liu et al., 2022).

In real-world situations, it is extremely difficult to quickly and accurately identify TS when the car is moving at a random pace. Weather, ambient illumination, similar objects, panel quality decline, least partial blockage, etc are only a few of the factors that affect the detection and classification algorithms. In order to meet all of these obstacles, the device must be trustworthy and offer real time (RT) response before approaching the sign. Various kinds of signs, particularly the regulatory one, are generally addressed by the solutions that are available. However, there are other sorts of TS that need to be acknowledged (Babi’c et al., 2021). For instance, TESLA's Autopilot system analyses speed limits and can recognise them by modelling them on the instrument panel (Lambert, 2020). Today, to obtain the positively and negatively samples, Deep Learning (DL)-based traffic sign identification systems frequently use random sampling. TSD is currently dominated by DL. The algorithms are based on the enhanced network structure improve detection precision for small-sized TS (Zhang et al., 2020). The identification and recognition of common objects have shown encouraging results thanks to recent developments in DL. For TSD, DL techniques have already been used in several prior works, but their evaluation was only applicable to a very small subset of traffic-sign categories (Tabernik & Skočaj, 2019).

The following are the paper's major contributions:

  • The new hybrid-DBN model for classification that is suggested in this research allows us to attain a test accuracy rating of 99.01 percent.

  • The RSFO algorithm is used as a hyperparameter tuning optimizer to improve the prediction accuracy of the DBN framework, thereby improving overall effectiveness of the traffic flow forecasting process.

  • The GTSRB dataset is used in this paper to train the proposed TSD model, which is subsequently evaluated on various TS. The suggested technique is then examined and verified on an embedded system (Raspberry Pi 4).

  • Overall, the suggested TSD system is likely to be a high efficiency method of detecting TS, performing exceptionally well in terms of precision, recall, accuracy, and F1. The suggested solution under evaluation appears to perform best in terms of accuracy than other current methods stated in this paper.

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