Toward Industry 4.0 Deep Learning Applications in Manufacturing Processes

Toward Industry 4.0 Deep Learning Applications in Manufacturing Processes

Romdhane Ben Khalifa, Mohamed Naoui, Lassaad Sbita
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2999-3.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Deep learning, a sophisticated subset of artificial intelligence that employs intricate neural networks with multiple layers, is steadily transforming the manufacturing landscape in our current era of Industry 4.0. As an advanced form of machine learning, deep learning is proficient in handling complex problems, untangling unstructured data, and processing voluminous datasets, which are common in manufacturing. This chapter aims to decode the intricate connection between deep learning and manufacturing, shedding light on how neural networks and artificial intelligence in manufacturing are redefining traditional processes. Initially, the chapter will review the development of manufacturing and delve into the technicalities of deep learning, followed by specific applications such as automated system modeling and intelligent fault diagnosis. It will further discuss how deep learning contributes to forecasting precision, fosters sustainable manufacturing practices, and upgrades quality control measures.
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