Tourism Is an Essential Trade: VR and AR Technologies Make It Profitable

Tourism Is an Essential Trade: VR and AR Technologies Make It Profitable

C. V. Suresh Babu, T. Jeyavasan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8810-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter aims to present a sustainable growth solution for the tourism industry by utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology. The chapter focuses on creating a platform similar to a VR metaverse that offers users an immersive and compelling tourism experience of well-known tourist attractions worldwide. The platform aims to enable sustainable growth for the tourism industry while also promoting global social development. The chapter discusses the importance of such a platform, addressing key issues in VR tourism and providing recommendations for its effective implementation. The proposed solution offers a viable alternative to traditional tourism that has a significant environmental impact, such as carbon emissions and overcrowding. Through the VR-based platform, tourists can travel virtually, reducing the need for physical travel while still enjoying the beauty and culture of different locations worldwide. Overall, this chapter aims to present a solution that can promote sustainable tourism while simultaneously contributing to global social development.
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2.1 Define the Problem

The problem addressed by the proposed chapter is the negative impact of traditional tourism practices on the environment and local communities, and the need for sustainable solutions in the tourism industry. As stated in (Gössling et al., 2013), tourism is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with transportation accounting for the majority of these emissions. In addition, tourism can also have negative impacts on local communities, including cultural erosion and displacement of locals.

Although there has been an increasing focus on sustainability in the tourism industry, traditional approaches to sustainable tourism, such as ecotourism, have not taken hold due to factors such as high costs and limited accessibility. As noted in (Hall & Gössling, 2016), innovative and accessible solutions are needed to promote sustainable growth in the tourism industry.

The proposed solution, which uses VR and AR technology to create a VR -based tourism platform, addresses these issues. As stated in (Neuhofer et al., 2015), by reducing the need to physically travel, the platform can significantly reduce the environmental impact of tourism while allowing tourists to experience the beauty and culture of different places around the world. In addition, the platform can improve accessibility for people with disabilities and people living in remote areas. This solution offers a viable alternative to traditional tourism practices, promoting the sustainable growth of the industry while contributing to global social development.

Overall, the problem of unsustainable tourism practices and the need for sustainable solutions is an urgent issue, and the proposed solution of a VR -based tourism platform using VR and AR technology offers a promising solution to address this challenge.

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