Tourism Industry: Digital Transformation

Tourism Industry: Digital Transformation

Sergey E. Barykin, Elena de la Poza, Bilal Khalid, Irina Vasilievna Kapustina, Olga Vladimirovna Kalinina, Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8327-2.ch025
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COVID-19 struck the world, and nothing has remained the same. The various industries of the world can attest to how much effect the abrupt disruption amounted to their various sectors and how much it affected them in terms of revenue generation, human resources, and flow of operation. Although some were eventually able to gain their footing by being able to leverage technological solutions, tourism felt the brunt of the pandemic as the operations were brought to a sudden halt, and the tourism sector found it very challenging to cope. Many were let off their jobs, and what used to be a great source of revenue generation for several economies suffered a great loss. The pandemic without any doubt served as a wakeup call to the reality of the not-so-effective state of the tourism sector. Technology brought about the solutions with which other industries withstood the ravaging challenges of the pandemic. The digital world is the new normal for the world, and for the tourism industry to grow, it must find the best way to leverage technological solutions.
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Understanding Tourism

Tourism is defined in the simplest terms, as the act of travelling, either for pleasure or business. Although, most of the time, the reason for engaging in tourism is usually to have fun and relaxation. The primary aim for most people is to spend a reasonable time away from home and all that represents work while engaging the use of commercial services in their pursuit of relaxation. Those who engage in tourism are usually referred to as Tourists. The process of tourism consists of a series of tours across several landmarks or tourist locations. A few essential elements are associated with Tourism, which are called as the 6 As of Tourism. These are known as Attractions, Accessibility, Amenities, Available Packages, Activities and Ancillary Services.

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