Tourism as an Empowerment Tool in Sustainable Development: Evidence From the Hospitality Industry of China

Tourism as an Empowerment Tool in Sustainable Development: Evidence From the Hospitality Industry of China

Kamran Ali Jamshed, Muhammad Imran Afzal, Basheer M. Al-Ghazali, Samrah Jamshaid, Noor E. Eman, Azzam Inayatullah Shamsi
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8417-3.ch010
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Sustainable development is the practise of ensuring that current needs are met without jeopardising future generations' capacity to do the same. The goal of sustainable development requires people all over the world to work together and think carefully about how their actions will affect the planet and the next generation. One sector with the potential to advance sustainable development is the tourism industry. China's hospitality industry has grown rapidly, which could lead to sustainable development and tourism and empowers sustainable development in China's hospitality industry, according to this research chapter. Tourism can help achieve sustainability and local autonomy, two goals that have garnered attention recently. China must encourage responsible tourism practises that are kind to the local environment and culture while also boosting the economy of the host community. This research emphasises tourism's potential to empower China's sustainable development while acknowledging the need to continue efforts to distribute tourism's benefits fairly and sustainably.
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