A Topic-Case Driven Methodology for Web Course Design

A Topic-Case Driven Methodology for Web Course Design

Leena Hiltunen, Tommi Kärkkäinen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-970-0.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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A topic-case driven methodology for a web course design and realization process is based on software engineering metaphors for capturing the necessary steps in creating web courses by means of a content-based development method. The methodology combines instructional issues to design phases that guide teachers and instructors to design and implement online courses. The methodology has been used by students of computer science, teacher education as well as professional university educators from different educational fields. The results from these experiences have been reported as case studies. In this chapter, the methodology is introduced with the summarized results from three case studies.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Content Design: Topic-case driven methodology that includes design of relevant and effective web courses contents with domain (or conceptual) modeling and content manuscript. Actual contents are developed later on during the design process.

Top ic-Case Diagram: A display that defines the basic contentual hierarchy of the web course, serving as a more precise content map showing what knowledge is required before certain topic (topic-case) and which knowledge would be useful to be available, but is not compulsory for the following topic (topic-case).

Web Course: An instructional or training course delivered via web pages and sites accessible via the Internet or some course management system, e.g., Blackboard or Moodle; synonym for online course.

Top ic-Case: A short but structured description of basic lines of the single course topic.

Pedagogical Design: Topic-case driven methodology that includes design of learning situations (learning activities, teaching or tutoring activities, and learning assignments) based on learning goals; design of steps that are required to be taken to achieve settled learning goals.

Realization and Assessment: Topic-case driven methodology that includes both completions of individual topic-cases using the chosen pedagogical and technical solutions, and assessment of the design process and final web course.

Background Study: Topic-case driven methodology that includes analysis of e.g., functional, user, content, and system requirements and learning goals for web course design.

Technical Design: Topic-case driven methodology that includes design of technical solutions on how contents and pedagogical solutions made earlier during the design process will be realized in practice.

Web Course Design: Design and implementation of a web course that has some content and pedagogical ground; synonym for authoring.

Top ic-Case Driven Methodology: A web course design and implementation model that is based on software engineering metaphors for capturing the necessary steps for creating web courses using a content-based development method.

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