Tools and Techniques Used in the Modeling of Hydrometeorological Events: Understanding the Scientific Process of Predicting Such Events

Tools and Techniques Used in the Modeling of Hydrometeorological Events: Understanding the Scientific Process of Predicting Such Events

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8771-6.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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Hydrometeorological events that result from the interactions between the Earth's atmosphere and the water cycle encompass a wide range of phenomena, including precipitation, flooding, droughts and other weather-related incidents and pose a significant challenge to human beings. Through the integration of numerical weather prediction models, hydrological models, and remote sensing technologies, researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of atmospheric dynamics, water movement, and their interactions with the Earth's surface thus unfolding the complexities of hydrometeorological events. The chapter highlights the significance of modeling such events making the use of Numerical modeling, data assimilation, ensemble forecasting and other tools and techniques.
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Introduction To Hydrometeorological Events

Hydrometeorological events are natural occurrences that result from the interactions between the Earth's atmosphere and the water cycle. These events encompass a wide range of phenomena, including precipitation, flooding, droughts, cyclones, thunderstorms, and other weather-related incidents. A list of various hydrometeorological events has been given in Figure 1.1. These events usually bring misery to people and result in damage to life and infrastructure. With the scars of climate change beginning to appear worldwide, there has been a substantial increase in the frequency of such events worrying both the scientific researchers and the local populace. This has led to increased scientific efforts to understand, predict, and minimize the damage caused by such events (Jentsch et al. 2007; Pachauri et al. 2014; Matthies and Quevauviller, 2022).

Figure 1.

A list of various hydrometeorological events


Most Fatal Hydrometeorological Events And The Dangers They Pose

Hydrometeorological events, which encompass a broad range of atmospheric and water-related phenomena, have been responsible for significant loss of life globally. Understanding the patterns and impacts of these events is crucial for enhancing preparedness, response, and mitigation strategies. This section aims to shed light on hydrometeorological events that are most fatal and damaging by drawing insights from historical data and authoritative sources. Given below in Figure 2.1 is a chart that shows the average number of annual deaths caused by the most profound hydrometeorological events and afterward, each type of event has been elaborated on in detail.

Figure 2.

Average global deaths caused by different hydrometeorological events annually


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