Tools and Techniques to Implement AIoT in Meteorological Applications

Tools and Techniques to Implement AIoT in Meteorological Applications

Jayashree M. Kudari, M. N. Nachappa, Bhavana Gowda, Adlin Jebakumari S., Smita Girish, Sushma B. S.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3981-4.ch005
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Weather forecasting is an important role in meteorology and has long been one of the world's most systematically difficult problems. This plan deals with the structure of a weather display system that may be built by electronics hobbyists utilizing low-cost components. Severe weather occurrences present a challenging forecasting problem with just a partial explanation. Developing communication methods makes it possible. Technology-enabled applications provide severe weather alerts and advisories. The airline industry is highly sensitive to the weather. Accurate weather forecasting is crucial. The IoT enables agriculture, notably arable farming, to become data-driven, resulting in more timely and cost-effective farm production and management while lowering environmental impact. Applying AIoT and deep learning to smart agriculture combines the best of both worlds.
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The Advantages Of Ai-Powered Iot

Businesses and consumers gain greatly from artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things. Some of the significant commercial benefits of merging two disruptive technologies are given below.

  • 1.

    Improving Operational Effectiveness: IoT Enhances Operational Effectiveness Continuous streams of data are analyzed by AI, which uncovers patterns that basic gauges overlook. Machine learning combined with AI can also predict operation conditions and point out factors that need to be tweaked for the best results. Intelligent IoT will eventually indicate which procedures are abandoned and inefficient, as well as which duties may be fine-tuned to increase efficiency. Google, for example, uses artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to cut data center cooling expenses.

  • 2.

    A better risk management system: By merging AI with IoT, Businesses will be able to better comprehend and forecast the future, a wide range of threats, in addition to actions that are automated. As a result, they're more equipped to handle financial losses, personnel safety, and cyber risks. Fujitsu, for example, uses AI to analyze data from connected wearable devices to ensure worker safety.

  • 3.

    Starting the process of developing new and improved products and services: People's ability to communicate with machines is improving thanks to NLP (Natural Language Processing). Combining IoT and AI may, without a doubt, assist businesses in developing new products or improving existing ones by allowing them to manage and analyze data more quickly. For instance, In the development of IoT-enabled airplane engine maintenance for Rolls-Royce plans. This method will aid in the detection of trends and the discovery of operational insights.

  • 4.

    Increase the scalability of the Internet of Things: IoT devices include mobile phones, high-end computers, and low-cost sensors. Low-cost sensors generate huge amounts of data in the most common IoT ecosystem, on the other hand. An AI-powered IoT ecosystem analyses and summarizes data before passing it from one device to another. As a result, it compresses massive amounts of data into digestible chunks and enables the connection of a large number of IoT devices. The scalability of devices is the term for this. This is referred to as the scalability of devices.

  • 5.

    Saves money by reducing the expense of unplanned downtime: Equipment failure can result in costly unscheduled downtime in a range of industries, including offshore oil and gas and industrial production. Predictive maintenance, which utilizes AI-enabled IoT, allows you to anticipate equipment failure and schedule routine maintenance procedures in advance. You'll be able to escape the negative impacts of downtime as a result. According to Deloitte, AI and IoT produce the following results: 20 percent to 50 percent reductions in the amount of time they spend planning maintenance. Reductions in the amount of time they spend planning maintenance of 20 percent to 50 percent. The availability and uptime of equipment will increase by 10% to 20%. The cost of maintenance will be lowered by 5% to 10%.

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