Tool Support for Software Artefact Traceability in DevOps Practice: SAT-Analyser

Tool Support for Software Artefact Traceability in DevOps Practice: SAT-Analyser

Iresha Rubasinghe, Dulani Meedeniya, Indika Perera
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1863-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Software development in DevOps practice is a widely used approach to cope with the demand for frequent artefact changes. These changes require a well-defined method to manage artefact consistency to ease the continuous integration process. This chapter proposes a traceability management approach for the artefact types in the main phases of the software process including requirements, design, source code, testing, and configuration. This chapter addresses traceability management, including trace link creation, change detection, impact analysis, change propagation, validation, and visualisation. This chapter presents a tool named SAT-Analyser that is applicable for any software development method and designed for continuous integration, multi-user collaboration, and DevOps tool stack compatibility. The SAT-Analyser is assessed using case studies and shown an impact analysis accuracy of 0.93 of F-measure. Further, the feedback by DevOps practitioners has shown the suitability and innovativeness of the proposed approach.
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The artefact traceability acts as the pillars for artefact change management (De Lucia, Fasano, & Oliveto, 2008). As considered in several related studies, the traceability establishment process establishes the inter-relationships and intra-relationships by linking each artefact based on their dependencies. The main task associated with traceability management includes artefact pre-processing, trace-line creation, change detection, CIA, change propagation and consistency checking to support continuous integration in DevOps practice (Rubasinghe, Meedeniya, & Perera, 2017).

Some recent studies in the context of traceability have focused on their appropriateness to Agility and DevOps. An approach for requirement artefact traceability and CIA for Agile environments is presented in (Carniel, & Pegoraro, 2018). They have proposed a meta-model that maps dependencies among user stories, tasks and manages requirement evolution with the CIA based on a set of assumptions. However, its usability in practise is yet to be achieved as a complete tool.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Proof-of-Work: A prototype solution to demonstrate the theoretical contribution.

Change Set: A set of artefacts that are affected due to artefact additions, modifications, or deletions.

Cross-Browser: Different types of web browsers.

Industry-Level: Commercial software development companies.

Rule-Based: A set of defined rules based on constraints.

Ontology: A collection of pre-defined words and their synonyms.

Graph-Based: Use graph as the visualisation method.

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