To Understand the Approach to Discount Days in Turkey: Investigation of the Response to the Change of the Black Friday Name

To Understand the Approach to Discount Days in Turkey: Investigation of the Response to the Change of the Black Friday Name

Yasin Gültekin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7533-8.ch010
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The discount days event has become a global opportunity for marketing and companies' strategies aimed at increasing sales. The main purpose of this chapter is to understand consumer behavior on discount days and suggest how retailers can use those consumer behaviors. Another purpose of this study is to research the effects and results of used new domestic campaign names instead of the name of Black Friday in Turkey. This study measured the effects of the variables of domestic campaign name, perceived usefulness, and the attitude towards the Black Friday discount campaign days, which are thought to affect the repurchase intentions of consumers on this days. The results of analyzed test shows that the use of domestic names in discount activities positively affected both the perceived usefulness and attitudes towards the campaign among Turkish shoppers, but it has been found to have no impact on repurchasing decisions.
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Recently, Marketing campaigns focus on the creating promotions or launch of new products for events like Black Friday (Ren et al., 2016, p.3). Every year, Retailers look forward to busy shopping days such as Cyber Monday and Black Fridays. Retailers use Black Friday promotions to attract shoppers to their stores, with longer shopping hours and in-store promotions leading to Black Friday sales (Swilley & Goldsmith, 2013, p.44).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Middle East: The region consisting of neighboring countries and covering the places where Asia, Europe and Africa come closer to each other. Middle Eastern countries, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait, Afghanistan.

Digitalization: It is the name given to the process of transferring accessible information and existing resources (for example your documents, files, processes) to digital media that can be read by a computer.

Local Brand: A domestic, national, regional, or local brand is one that reflects the culture, traditions of a particular geographic field.

Word-of-Mouth (WOM): It is the consumers' telling their thoughts about the brand/product/service/company to the people around them.

Cyber Monday: One of the discount days which was created by retailers to encourage consumer to shop online. Cyber Monday is a marketing strategy for increase online shopping transactions on the Monday after Thanksgiving in the different part of World.

Thanksgiving: It has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a national holiday celebrated on several dates in some Christian countries.

Muslim Countries: The term is used for Muslim majority population countries, which is affected from Islamic religion of socio-political life.

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