To Study the Impact of E-Learning and Social Media on Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction

To Study the Impact of E-Learning and Social Media on Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction

Priyanka Malik, Seema Sahai
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4083-4.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Ever since the establishment of digital marketing, it has been revolutionizing the world, leaving traditional marketing in the unwanted category. Today, the COVID pandemic has entirely shifted education on the digital platform, with the rise in popularity among famous social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc. Digitalization has replaced the way information is put across and evident, thus influencing student satisfaction in e-learning. The aim of the study is to analyze and carefully study the effect of social media use, e-learning quality, collaborative learning, and student engagement on student satisfaction. To fully understand and analyze the research outcome, a quantitative research is being conducted. A survey will be distributed to sample students who pursue education through digital means.
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E-learning has a lot of advantages to not just students but to universities as well, being a cost saving technology, efficient, high speed, and global (Long et al., 2019). Bhuasiri et al. (2012) stated the advantages to students as e-learning provides a new type of learning culture, not limited by time and space and students are free to control the pace and rhythm of their studies. Adis et al. (2020) indicated that e-learning is now widely used due to its flexibility and ability to adapt to the needs of the students and the variety of features. Thus, it has become extremely significant in higher education to offer online courses and shift to e-learning otherwise they will become uncompetitive. Therefore, these institutions are focusing more on providing better e-learning services quality and trying to further engage their students and increase their satisfaction.

Faja (2013) stated that e-learning provides for collaborative learning involvement and understanding. This group learning helps to improve the overall e-learning experience while encouraging teamwork. A pilot study and factor analysis theorized that student engagement would be influencing student satisfaction (Gray & DiLoreto, 2016). Prior studies have verified the numerous antecedents that impact satisfaction of students, especially student engagement as their cognitive advancement and capacity to build understanding to drive their effective education (Muzammil et al., 2020).

According to Mohammad Alshayeb (2018), e-learning allows for more satisfaction, engagement and overall performance compared to offline learning. Furthermore, social media has more interaction which allows engagement. Several studies found a positive relationship of the use of technology to student engagement and student satisfaction (Dyson et al., Imlawi et al.) Long et al. (2019) acknowledged that e-learning service quality influences the satisfaction level of the students, however not all the aspects. Rahman et al. (2019) found that the factors that substantially influence student satisfaction is the quality of education and student relationships with each other and their mentors. Social media used as a learning tool offers many benefits and in turn student satisfaction.

Social media and technology usage offers innovative knowledge prospects with collaborative learning (Jamal Abdul Nasir Ansari* and Nawab Ali Khan 2020). Benefits of social media usage are the ability of sharing a variety of content fast, cheap and conveniently. Zhu, C. (2012) has concluded that there is a positive relationship between student satisfaction and collaborative learning. Jamal Abdul Nasir Ansari* and Nawab Ali Khan 2020 also claim that social media use has an impact on collaborative learning. Students can retrieve resources, curriculum contents, as well as communicate with their mentor and associates.

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