Threat Landscape and Common Security Challenges in Cloud Environments

Threat Landscape and Common Security Challenges in Cloud Environments

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3249-8.ch010
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Because of the proliferation of cloud computing, the security landscape in these settings presents a unique set of difficulties and risks. The benefits and game-changing consequences of cloud apps make them essential in the digital era. The ability to scale up or down helps organizations maximize their time and money commitments. They enable remote work and cooperation by letting users access their data and apps from anywhere. Cloud services save money by reducing hardware, software, and maintenance costs. But the security threats are deterring their performance. Data breaches are caused by, for example, insufficient encryption or slack access controls, interface and API vulnerabilities that can be exploited, insider threats caused by the misuse of privileges, identity and access management flaws, poor configuration and security practices, DoS attacks, shared technology flaws, data privacy and compliance concerns, a lack of oversight and control, and new, unknown threats.
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2. Security Threats In Cloud Environment

Every business has unique security concerns, risks, and threats every day. Many people confuse these concepts, although there is nuance between them. Protecting your cloud resources is easier if you grasp the nuances between them.

Data loss or other vulnerabilities are examples of risks. A threat is any potential danger or enemy. Organizational difficulties in enforcing reasonable cloud security measures constitute a difficulty.There are several challenges in effectively protecting public APIs while keeping them available for legitimate users or customers who need them. The risk is an API endpoint hosted in the cloud and exposed to the public Internet; the attacker who attempts to access sensitive data using that API is the threat.

Access permissions are another misconfiguration problem. 83% of organisations report at least one access-related cloud data breach, and 50% report at least 25%. This is probable because 52% of organisations lack visibility into user resource access and permissions (Alrassan & Alqahtani, 2023).

One of the major objectives for identity- and access-related fraudsters is privileged accounts. Based on greater permissions, privileged accounts allow administrative access to “high-tier” organisational systems with serious implications if violated. Cybercriminals seeking sensitive company data find privileged accounts profitable and appealing.

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