ThinkTeam: GDSS Methodology and Technology as a Collaborative Learning Task

ThinkTeam: GDSS Methodology and Technology as a Collaborative Learning Task

Hanan Yaniv
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-843-7.ch098
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


People make decisions all the time. They make decisions alone; they make decisions together with others. Some fields have been focusing on the process of decision making and have attempted to help people make decisions. Psychologists, trainers, and organizational development consultants are aiming to develop decision- making theories and methodologies and train people to use them in business, economics, urban-planning, and more areas of management and personal life. Computer-based decision support systems emerge in various fields. These fields are mainly interested in the actual process: helping people make better decisions. This article is about an indirect use of decision-making methodology: we use it as a learning task. As technology can process large quantities of integrated information while presenting results in a visualize manner, technology was harnessed to aid decision makers in various ways. Decision support systems (DSS) have been used to present decision makers with all possible relevant knowledge so they can take into account as many variables as they can before making an informed decision.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Learning Team Adventure Game (L-TAG): L-TAG is a model for instructional design.

Task interdependency potential (TIP): TIP is how much team members depend on each other to optimally perform a learning task.

ThinkTeam: ThinkTeam is a software package for group decision making tasks.

Task Energy Potential (TEP): TEP is the total engagement energy potential of a learning task.

Task Acquired Skills Potential (TASP): TASP is the total skill a learning task requires for optimum performance.

Task Acquired Knowledge Potential (TAKP): TAKP is the total knowledge a learning task requires for optimum performance.

Problem-Based Learning (PBL): PBL is learning that is based on an analysis of an authentic or simulated real-life problem.

Single Display Groupware (SDG): SDG is software that is designed for interaction with more than one user on a single display.

Group Decision Making Learning Task (GDMLT): DMLT that require a collaborative team decision.

Decision Making Learning Task (DMLT): Learning tasks that involve solving a problem by identifying alternative solutions and choosing the most suitable one.

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