Thinking Styles and Leadership Skills of Managers on Organizational Productivity

Thinking Styles and Leadership Skills of Managers on Organizational Productivity

Garima Saini, Shabnam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3811-1.ch022
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Psychological aspects, a great concern of managerial psychology, include emotions, thinking, attitudes, and motivation of the employees in managerial positions, which ramifies the productivity of the organization. Managerial thinking and leadership skills are important components in achieving organizational goals. Organizational productivity is a strong indicator for managers in the growth which has direct relationship with organizational performance. Efficacious leadership skills in managers like interpersonal skills, team building, flexibility, emotional intelligence helps in meeting the goals which simultaneously increases the organization productivity and performance of the employees. Strategic management approaches by the managers to increase productivity at successive levels. An executive manager is an agent of change who lets a subordinate work according to him and then he converts the follower into a leader through team quality management (TQM) programs and effectiveness. The managerial implications are discussed which helps to establish cooperative innovations.
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Productivity of the organization is marked as an indicator boosting the organization's performance and success. Efficient manpower and applying their capabilities and skills to fit in the company is an important productive and organizational challenge. Success in the organization most probably depends upon the production, performance and on human resources. The executive functions are the core of human resources and works towards the organization's growth (Cogin, et al., 2016). The specific programs and panning are the basis of human resources which work towards achieving organization's interest. In fact, these work towards the efficiency and performance are the ultimate goals of the organization. The qualitative and quantitative component; productivity is obtained by maximizing the functionality and performance of each domain. It can be done by utilizing the manpower, the abilities of the employees and managing for achieving the desirable projects. Proper executive management is required to achieve utilization of factors and productivity in the organization (Bloom et al., 2011).

Managerial psychology is the branch of psychology which focuses and helps in better understanding of organizational behaviour. It describes the psychology in organizational context with the help of methods, theories, constructs and tools which helps in better understanding the issues employees face at work and career growth. Managerial psychology helps in knowing and appreciating employee's need in the organization; understanding social influence and developing skills for decision-making, team building and organizational analysis. It contributes and increases the executive functioning with modulation in the attitudes, decision-making, creativity, motivation, networking, learning, power, leadership and organizational analysis and change. In this global era, the awareness of effective and improved management is the need of an hour with fundamental needs of improving the material and human resources in the organization. Organization is the framework of the structured team which have common motives, and they come together to achieve goals. Mangers can see organization through cultural, strategic and political lenses that helps them to work on the interconnectedness and complexity of organization. It is stated that management as an implication in social engineering takes managerial psychology as an important aspect. Productivity is in a certain way result of utilization of resources, quality, organizational leadership; this all would be the result of thinking styles, management and leadership styles in the program of the organization. Organizational management helps in achieving the performance and optimal performance and a direct relationship is seen between productivity and intellectual skills like problem solving, critical thinking (Propeli et al., 2016). This chapter focuses on the how different thinking styles and leadership styles in managers effect the organizational productivity in the organization. These factors significantly affect the managerial psychology by showing consanguinity between the performance and productivity of the organization. Managers possess different thinking styles and leadership styles which boost them to perform some task better as compared to the other tasks. This leads in contributing in their different personality and executive styles in dealing with situations. It is an attempt to study how these different styles in professionals are contributing in the organizational productivity.

Figure 1.
Source: Conceptual Model for the chapter

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