Theories and Application of Organisational Change Management During the COVID-19 Era

Theories and Application of Organisational Change Management During the COVID-19 Era

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7509-6.ch008
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Through the book chapter, the author would primarily explore the basic concept of change management and an overview of diverse fundamental theories of conventional organisational change management (OCM) models and approaches in human resource management, along with the application in several workplaces sector wise, during pandemic times with special reference to the organisational adaptation in structural and psychological aspects to combat the unfavourable situations. The chapter would fathom the needs, drives and ideal implementation plan of change management along with the practical implementation of the same. The chapter would also try to examine different group dynamics, Resistance, Intervention Instruments and success for organisational change management.
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COVID-19 brought a host of uncertainties in every walk of lives. Work environment could not be an exception. The problem was initiated with the pandemic, inflicted by COVID-19 disease; causing a global health crisis and subsequently led to concerns for individualistic health, businesses, financial markets, and other fundamental elements of the global economy. COVID-19 unexpectedly emerged as a global issue, drawing the attention and solutions of decision-makers from all around the world. The government has adopted several policies, one of which is to advise individuals to stay back at home, and to continue working, learning, and even worshipping (social distancing norms had been practised in all prayer halls and shrines like Church, Mosque and Temples) within the four walls of home. It was quite evident that quarantine and social seclusion have been the main remedies as the lockdown was extended under various terms and conditions. In the same vein, all businesses have made working from home mandatory for all employees, with the exception of the vital and emergency-based services like logistical services, medical and paramedical services, some of the IT and financial services.

Because of this series of situational complexity and uncertainty, the pandemic led to a host of diverse reactions in people. Some of which could be best described through following phrases: ‘sense of feeling left out’; ‘uncontrolled behaviour’, ‘Unexplainable anxiety and tension’; ‘worry for one's own health and the family’; and ‘negative speculations about one's financial security’. Numerous organisations have set up wellness programmes and counselling hotlines for staff members and their families to help them get through this difficult time. The sudden shutdown of organisations, restrictive movements, stringent protocols, new strict government protocols, financial insecurities and shifting to virtual encounters made people completely devastated, leading to a confusing state of affairs. Dynamic leadership qualities and change management became the need of the hour, to combat psychological disturbances and related employee sentiments, as it could lead to behaviour issues, ultimately targeting organisational productivity and turn over.

As already described, to survive these uncertain circumstances, during COVID-19 driven pandemic, organisational change has undoubtedly been the most important and quintessential task. The thriving organisations, projecting the high rate of success to the outside world, were those, adapting quickly to the work- environment changes.

These observations called for certain research questions:

  • 1.

    What are the theories of change management?

  • 2.

    Are the theories of change management actually implemented in work places?

  • 3.

    To what extent has the change management inserted in the work places during COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 4.

    Are the coping strategies adapted by organisations, adequate enough to handle the crisis?

Operational Definitions and Terms Used in the Chapter

Change: Any condition, different from the current condition; it may referrer to different context, unless specified.

Pandemic: An illness that spreads throughout the entire country or world.

COVID-19 (CORONA VIRUS DISEASE-19): A coronavirus-based Disease, caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, is an acute human disease that is primarily characterised by fever and cough but has the potential to proceed to severe symptoms and, in some cases, death, particularly in elderly persons and those with underlying medical issues. It was first discovered in China in 2019, then it spread to other countries in 2020 and started being called as Pandemic due to its severely high mortality rates. Till date, many strains have been identified throughout the world with diverse pattern of symptoms and severity.

Coping Strategy: Coping mechanisms are behavioural and cognitive techniques used to deal with stressful situations, environments, and demands. It could be individualistic or organisational. Individualistic strategies could be coping strategies of employees to deal with the stress due to sudden changes in the work environment and personal life. Organisational stress is the overall stress, built up in the managerial position to deal with revenue models to minimise the loss.

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