Theoretical and Conceptual Study of Culture and Regional Cuisines of India

Theoretical and Conceptual Study of Culture and Regional Cuisines of India

Vinod Kumar, Ruchika Kulshrestha
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3158-3.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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The chapter explores the theoretical and conceptual foundations of regional cuisine, specifically focusing on Indian food offered domestically and internationally. It draws from an earlier study conducted by various experts in the hospitality sector. The cuisine of India is a reflection of the region's rich cultural heritage and diverse geography. It is renowned for its wide range of flavours, ingredients, and cooking techniques. This chapter was completed by studying and referencing a total of 96 research studies. Additionally, the chapter explores the necessity of the current investigation based on previous literature and establishes the conceptual framework for the research.
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Cultural, Gastronomy, and Adventure Tourism Development



The demand from tourists is an important factor that should be taken into consideration for regional and sustainable growth. When it comes to the supply and demand of expected cuisine among tourists, legitimacy shapes a bride (Sims R., 2009). Travelers from abroad enjoy trying out local or regional cuisine (Kaur, S., & Kaur, M.,2024). The total experience of a traveler is always greatly influenced by their encounter with local cuisine.

“Deeply rooted in a particular place, space, and time, its culinary traditions reveal the character of the society and mentality of its members,”

This how one describes the local cuisine of a certain place. It is acknowledged that among the important aim qualities and a major movement throughout the event, food ranks closely after atmosphere, settlement, and scenery (McKercher B. et al.,2008).Whatever cuisine a visitor experiences serves as an example of a unique identity that can be sustained at a particular pace or degree. In an environment of striving, visitors are always looking for fresh and unique meals to experience and contribute to the image maker's differentiation. It is frequently observed that visitors are extremely fascinated and enthusiastic about the local food offered in tourist destinations. On the one hand, many tourists prefer to visit well-known stations and sample the local cuisine; on the other hand, many travelers visit new locations to sample the cuisine that is unique to the area (Fernandes, M. et al.,2024).Any tourist site may have a distinct vibe in terms of cultural and regional character if local cuisine is selected and consumed. The culture of convenience food and dining has led to the Americanization of eating out, emphasizing dining behavior and accommodations. A progressive shift in the nourishment bin has been driven by faster urbanization, encouraged by immobile lifestyles, rising double salaries, developing riches, and the freedom of youth in contemporary social orders. Dining out is perceived as a common way to spend time with friends or as a diversion from home . Local food has been seen as a potent time- and place-limited tool for achieving an objective. Indian cuisine is widely recognized, and as India attracts tourists from over the world, they like getting a hands-on experience in cooking desi khana by staying in homes here and learning how to make authentic Indian food. Indian food, such as kebabs, chicken tikka masala, biryani, curries, masala dosa, and even the humble naan, is incredibly well-known and available worldwide. Indian food has been praised by tourists from other countries as being delicious and comforting. Food is a blatant reflection of culture since a place's cuisine plays a significant role in attracting tourists from both domestic and foreign countries by showcasing the local identity and culture. Due to its diverse rich culture, food, heritage, and religion, India is a must-visit destination for people from all over the world (Khalid al.,2024).

Theoretical and Conceptual Study

Food plays a significant role in destination selection because it creates a connection between the tourist location and the local cuisine, referencing local cuisine and culture. Standardized recipes also aid in promoting culinary tourism by highlighting certain products. The visitors express a strong desire to experience local cuisine, it is utilized as a crucial component of tourism. Well-known culinary items are being utilized to promote destinations because they enhance the traveler's experience. Real cuisine consists of standard ingredients chosen for a specific location. Food, the tale of a particular tourist destination's way of life, customs, and reality are defined by its reliability (Sio, K. P., Fraser, B., & Fredline, L. 2024).

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