The WiMAX Network Solutions for Virtual Enterprises Business Network

The WiMAX Network Solutions for Virtual Enterprises Business Network

Sebastian Marius Rosu, George Dragoi, Bujor Pavaloiu
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch622
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Background Of Virtual Enterprise Business Network

A VPN requires its own Private Member Collaboration System (PMCS) to exchange information and to develop its projects and offers. The virtual team is a group of persons working across links strengthened by information, communication and transport technologies who interact through mutually supporting tasks guided by a common purpose. The members use technology to work together and to fulfill a task that requires the participation of each member, even when they are parts of different organizations, are separated geographically or have different working hours. They will use extensively computer mediated communication to permit remote members to synchronize their personal efforts and inputs.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Geographically Dispersed Enterprises: Formed when several different companies with multiple skills join a dynamic organization, create an association of geographically dispersed businesses that will benefit from the strengths of each individual and adaptively execute special business projects.

Virtual Team: A group of persons working across links strengthened by information, communication and transport technologies who interact through mutually supporting tasks guided by a common purpose. The virtual team concept is used to support activities and technology-supported tasks.

Virtual Enterprise Business Network (VEBN): A network, whose target is to unite in single group different users with distinct geographical position, insuring the combination of resources and the best performance.

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX): A wireless digital communications system, also known as IEEE 802.16 that is intended for wireless metropolitan area networks and provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile Internet access.

Virtual private network (VPN): A network emulated (the virtual) built on public infrastructure (shared), dedicated to a client (the private) to connect users in locations and to ensure similar conditions of integrity, confidentiality and quality similar with those of a private network.

Virtual Enterprise: A temporary alliance of enterprises that aim to share resources and skills in order to respond better and faster to emerging opportunities in the market, based on a technical infrastructure and information technologies represented by communications/computer networks.

WiMAX Solutions: Future solution for a virtual enterprise business network, for a geographically dispersed enterprise or a consortium of SME’s grouped in a virtual enterprise system. Today and tomorrow, WiMAX solutions can help e-enterprise architecture integration much more effectively and update unanimity between all retailers of enterprise, changing the way communication networks are designed.

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