The War for Talent in the Digital World

The War for Talent in the Digital World

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8150-9.ch014
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Companies face a variety of difficulties as they try to compete in an increasingly digital world with constrained a lack of resources and conflicting priorities. They need to develop the skills they require in order for their operations, persons, culture, and structure fit together well. With their corporate objectives in a culture, finding the proper employees is one of the most important issues, and it seems like many businesses are having trouble doing so. Another is creating future plans that take into account their requirements. The conventional talent management strategies may not work for the challenging environment that digital transformation has posed to the conventional way of work. The digitalisation has posed a serious challenge to the traditional organisation structures and strategies. The more common approaches to manage talent include collective approaches to full time careers, therein grouping the individuals into categories like graduates, leaders, potential partners etc. Overall it is more of a collectivist approach.
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In addition, digital labour platforms have made the labour market more accessible. Realising their value and performance, the talent that is aware has become more mobile and readily shifting for opportunities available. The internet has added to their advantage to materialise the new opportunities available to evaluate the employer they are aiming for. Additionally, an increasing number of people are scouring sites such as Glassdoor to analyse and learn about the details of their employers on the aspects of job satisfaction, the existing culture in the organisation, and the lifestyle as well. It is very well necessary for the companies to be conscious of maintaining a good workplace reputation and engage their employees or they may lose potential talent in the digital world.

The evolved digital tools available can help the companies to pay more emphasis on employee management, retention, and development in addition to recruitment. Digital labour platforms may combine these resources into a cohesive whole as businesses expand their labour pools, improve their hiring and screening processes, and more efficiently use their workforce. These technologies and the supporting platforms help the companies to identify and locate the best talent in the industry best suited for them. They can also contribute to identifying the skill shortages, training the existing employees on skill set improvement, career progression, as well as inculcating leadership skills for the future challenges . High-performing businesses have identified the need to transform employees' daily interactions with colleagues, customers, and information. These businesses may invest heavily in the designing of new digital workplace with high connectivity with a scope of continuous improvement of the leadership. These designed workplaces may encourage the employees by making them more comfortable by reducing existing complexities associated and therein may establish new norms of behaving at workplace . Within the businesses we analysed, we discovered a crucial. Management of digital talent is a workplace design context factor. The expertise required to deliver. Customer service excellence is in high demand and crucial to a company's success, but large, established businesses frequently struggle to provide it. Companies with traditional methods of operation have difficulty recruiting and retaining this talent.

Numerous HRIS solutions have been developed as a result of computer-based information technology, which is assisting in enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of the HR function. The implementation of these systems has strategically benefited the hospitality sector. One of the HRIS applications that is becoming increasingly important is technology-based recruitment platforms. By expediting the employment process, recruiting tools are designed to assist hospitality businesses in cutting costs. By efficiently prescreening, classifying, storing, and matching resumes to job openings, recruiting systems are claimed to improve the hiring process (Santosus, 2005). As a result, managers may quickly and effectively discover competent applicants to fill a variety of job posts both domestically and abroad (Lin and Stansinskaya, 2002). This study looks at resume scanning technologies that boost the effectiveness and efficiency of the HR hiring process.

In conclusion, digital labour platforms are at the forefront of big data analytics and IT-enabled performance optimization. Applying digital technologies to some of the most critical organisational challenges, such as balancing supply and demand for labour, enhancing efficiency, and maximising human capital, can help firms realise enormous value.

External platforms such as LinkedIn have enabled many of the advantages connected with digital labour platforms thus far. In order for enterprises and employees to tailor their interactions and the information they supply to their specific needs, however, it will be necessary to utilise internally oriented platforms more effectively.

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