The Use of CRM in Marketing and Communication Strategies in Portuguese Non-Profit Organizations

The Use of CRM in Marketing and Communication Strategies in Portuguese Non-Profit Organizations

Maria Inês Magalhães Rodrigues, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Jorge Esparteiro Garcia
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9790-3.ch013
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The truth is that competitivity has gained a strong growth in business, and it is important that companies pay attention to the practice of their relational marketing strategies. Technology, innovation, and digital have been transforming the way society operates in the market. Organizations must look for current opportunities in order to add value of their business and negotiation process and of course in the way they act and interact with the target. This way, the current research demonstrates the importance of CRM in relational marketing practices, particularly in non-profit organizations. Regarding the methodology, a case study was developed using a qualitative methodology through semi-structured interviews in a convenience sample, with the aim of retaining the opinion fundraising and marketing responsible department between the different organizations under study. The main result of this exploratory study appears to prove the importance of using CRM for the good practice of relational marketing strategies in order to attract, retain, and build trust with their stakeholders.
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Literature Review

Over the years the primordial concepts of marketing have been changing, Kotler et al. (2017) state that in the current marketing scenario we should consider individuals as human beings and not as mere consumers. In an initial phase of marketing the center was only in the management of the product and/or service, alreadý in a transitional phase and with the emergence of the internet and the explosion of information the importance has shifted to the management of the consumer. In the current technological reality, the key concept becomes centered in the mind of the human being, consisting of informed and active consumers in the digital environment who consider the values transmitted by organizations.

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