The Use of Companion Applications to Support Instructor-Led Training

The Use of Companion Applications to Support Instructor-Led Training

Stephanie R. Johnson
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3673-5.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


This case study reflects on the use of a mobile training companion application to overcome limitations of supporting a level-three evaluation of the participants following a face-to-face training course. A level-three evaluation determines how well a person that attended training is able to transfer the information they learned to their job. The rapid adoption of smartphones enables the creation of solutions not previously considered viable in this industry, which has typically used either a traditional web-based training strategy or a traditional face-to-face training strategy to meet its training objectives. This solution is especially important because the training attendees work individually and each person covers a different territory than another, making it even more difficult to measure transfer.
Chapter Preview

Setting The Stage

This case study represents the work done to support aftermarket part and service training for a large transportation manufacturer with a franchised dealer network geographically spread throughout North America. There are many divisions within this manufacturing company located throughout the world. This project affected only locations in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The division in question specifically deals with what is referred to as “aftersales” or aftermarket product. To further explain, there are several divisions responsible for engineering, designing, and ultimately, manufacturing large transportation vehicles, also known as Class 8 trucks. Class 8 trucks weigh 33,000 pounds or more. Once these trucks are manufactured, they are transferred to the franchised dealer network to sell to the end customer. As the truck is initially sold, everything on it is considered original equipment. Anything that would then have to be purchased to support the truck throughout its lifecycle (for example, oil and an oil filter for an oil change) is considered aftersales or aftermarket parts and service. These products are available to the end customers through any dealer franchise in the network, currently more than 800 locations in North America. The division in this case study supplies the dealer franchises with the aftermarket parts necessary to keep the Class 8 trucks on the road transporting goods and services.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Dealership Employee: An individual that works for a franchise of the distribution network of a certain Class 8 truck manufacturer.

Class 8 Truck: A truck that has a gross vehicle weight of more than 33,000 pounds, typically used for vocational purposes.

Nondisclosure Agreements: A legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to.

Learning Management System: A computerized application that administers a training program for its owner, this includes training access, certification, delivery, and record documentation.

Return on Investment: A calculation that a business uses to determine the benefit of making a monetary investment in something versus net profit.

Wireframe: A conceptual document that contains the specifics of an application, including features, functionality, and look and feel of the proposed interface.

Adoption Rate: A measure of how quickly participants utilize an available innovation.

Smartphone: A phone that also offers computing capability in conjunction with telephonic capability.

SCORM: Shareable Content Object Reference Model is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based electronic educational technology.

Application: A program that runs on a computer.

Aftermarket: An adjective referring to replacement or spare parts for motor vehicles.

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