The Training of Intellectual Capital in the Tourism Sector Based on the Development of Professional Skills

The Training of Intellectual Capital in the Tourism Sector Based on the Development of Professional Skills

Rosa María Rivas García, Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz, Sandra Viridiana Cortés Ruiz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8461-2.ch010
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The objective of this chapter is to offer an approach to the generation of competitive advantage in the tourism industry based on the definition of intellectual capital and its relationship with professional competences in tourism, which is why the topic of educational competences in higher education is described, since professional skills are achieved through these. Subsequently, the exploration of the intellectual capital concept and the conception of tourism is presented. Finally, the relation of the thematic axes of this chapter is presented to incorporate the conclusion that describes that the educational competences in higher education applied by professionals in the tourism industry will result in the productivity and profitability of the organizations known as intellectual capital.
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Educational Competence In Higher Education

Initially, the concept of educational competences will be described. Because of the polysemic nature of the word “competence”, this text will address the conceptualization -Peritia, aptitude, and suitability to do something or intervene in a given matter-. By virtue of which the Royal Spanish Academy (2018), considers different meanings for the word in question.


From lat. competentia; cf. to compete.

  • 1.

    f. Dispute or contention between two or more people about something.

  • 2.

    f. Opposition or rivalry between two or more people who aspire to obtain the same thing.

  • 3.

    f. Situation of companies that compete in a market offering or demanding the same product or service.

  • 4.

    f. Person or rival group. It has gone to THE competition.

  • 5.

    f. Am. Sports competition.


From lat. competentia; cf. competent.

  • 1.

    f. incumbency.

  • 2.

    f. Expertise, aptitude or suitability to do something or intervene in a certain matter.

  • 3.

    f. Legal scope of attributions that correspond to a public entity or a judicial or administrative authority.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Intellectual Capital: Set of intangible assets based on knowledge and access to the evolution of resources in a system of value creation, through the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages.

Professional Competence: The degree of utilization of knowledge, skills, and the good judgment related to the people’s profession, and in correspondence with all the situations that can be lived in the exercise of professional practice.

Educational Competence: Complex development processes which are suitable in set contexts, by integrating different knowledge (knowing how to be, knowing how to do, knowing to know, knowing how to live with), in order to do activities and/or solve problems with a sense of challenge, motivation, flexibility, creativity, understanding and undertaking, within an approach of meta-cognitive thinking, ongoing improvement and ethical commitment, which are aimed at contributing to personal development, the construction and strengthening of the social networking, the continuous search of a sustainable economic and business development, and the care and protection of the environment and the living organisms.

UNWTO: The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable, and universally accessible tourism.

Tourism Industry: The term tourism industries include the factory complexes that regularly produce tourism products, and it is one of the most colloquial terms used in the tourism sector.

Tourism: A social, cultural, and economic phenomenon related to the movement of people to places that are outside their usual location of residence for personal or business/professional reasons. While these people are called visitors (which may be tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents), tourism is associated with the people’s activities and, therefore, implies tourism expenditure.

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