The Tendency Toward Producing Ecologically Friendly Products at Toshiba in the Middle East

The Tendency Toward Producing Ecologically Friendly Products at Toshiba in the Middle East

Ahmed Hussein Ali, Habiba Sherif El-Rouby, Sarah Yousry El-Gamal, Ahmed Saad Zaghloul
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4686-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The case deals with decreasing environmental harm and pollution in all industries. The corporations have followed worldwide environmental standards to replace toxic materials with environmentally acceptable alternatives, such as lead-free glass used in producing L.E.D. lamps and Freon R410 used in the production process of air conditioners and refrigerators. ELARABY Group is one of the few enterprises in the Middle East specialized in electronics. It designed and applied a system to face the challenges, consequences, and results of replacing harmful materials with environmentally friendly ones. The case followed a qualitative approach through conducting interviews with experts in order to collect data.
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Organisation Background

Since its establishment in 1964, ELARABY Group has grown from a joint stock family enterprise to one of the largest industrial and commercial corporations in Egypt, the Middle East, and Africa. ELARABY Group operates through 16 commercial, industrial, medical, and service companies, in four different governorates with 26 industrial facilities, and 2 hospitals. In 2020, ELARABY Group's workforce exceeded 40,000 employees. Elaraby's brand portfolio consists of 14 global brands with 25 product categories and more than 4,000 variations. With regards to the domestic and international markets, Toshiba Elaraby's figures continue to grow by exporting to over 60 countries across the globe. In the domestic market, one of ELARABY Group's strongest assets is the vast distribution network, which consists of more than 3,000 sales partners and 20 branded stores, backed by more than 600 after-sale service centres. In a society consisting of more than 100 million Egyptians who trusted ELARABY Group over the years, ELARABY Group gives back to the community through implementing and adopting various developmental projects in education, healthcare, environmental well-being, and social solidarity.

Since 1964, ELARABY Group has been associated with major international companies and has commercial relations with these companies in the marketing and manufacturing of electronic and electrical devices. 1974 is considered the starting point in its historical relationship with the Japanese ELARABY Group, the company that is credited with providing technical and technological support to ELARABY Group when it entered the battlefield of manufacturing for the first time.

In 2002, ELARABY Group was associated with another Japanese giant, which is the Japanese SHARP Company, and then rolled out global partnerships to make ELARABY Group a partner for major companies in the world, such as (Japanese HITACHI - Italian LA GERMANIA - N.E.C. Japanese - SEIKO and ALBA Japanese Company - Italian HOOVER - Japanese giant SONY - Italian Candy).

ELARABY Group is involved in both manufacturing and marketing engineering products, which has a great role in enhancing the Egyptian economy. ELARABY Group is providing a high-quality product that includes high technology, to achieve customer satisfaction and fulfil their needs. ELARABY Group started to take a serious step starting from 2015 to ensure sustainability and continuity of all industries to save resources and reduce pressure on the environment.

“Natural resources are limited; we have to do our best to keep them safe and secured for the coming generations by consuming less.”

Eng. Mahmoud Elaraby

The C.E.O. of Elaraby Group

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