The Study of Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of COVID-19

The Study of Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of COVID-19

Ranjit Barua, Sudipto Datta, Pallab Datta, Amit Roy Chowdhury
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8225-1.ch014
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SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus communicable disease affected by serious acute respiratory condition coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which goes to the family of coronavirus. December 2019, in Wuhan, China, the first case of novel coronavirus was reported, and this widespread virus globally became a pandemic. Various studies show that drug applicants are used as antivirals or immune modulators. Yet, the outcome of this examination reported the drug applicants were not ominously operative in contrast to the infection. In the interim, it's believed that taking herbal immune-modulators can avoid and/or resist COVID-19. Unluckily, definite clinical and preclinical trials to assess the special herbal immune regulators' effects have not been directed. Specific natural elements might be actual for treating COVID-19 built on universal thoughts from former tests. Though there are no exact anti-COVID-19 medicines as well as a drugs until now, the use of traditional medicine and epidemiology of novel coronavirus disease will be discussed for COVID-19 treatment.
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After the contact of the virus with the humans in mid-December 2019 in Wuhan, China, WHO was reported officially by Chinese government the about the first case on 31st December 2019 where a patient was detected with a severe pneumonia. Later many humans were infected so drastically and rapidly as they were also suspected of the same virus on the following days which soon published online as a novel corona virus on 9thJanuary 2020. The COVID-19 emergence about 5 months’ have established the quick step to the virus spread as well as the development of science. Initially the infection rate plot was flat with the rapid spread of the infection rate worldwide the curve resembled exponential curve. Maximum cases are mainly from Wuhan, central China i.e. the epicenter of the novel virus. The population of Wuhan city is approx. 11 million. The patients who were diagnosed were having symptoms like fever, dry cough, lung infiltrates on imaging and dyspnea. All the presented patient cases were found to be linked to the sea food market at Wuhan which sells many types of species of animals like snakes, marmots, poultry, bats and many more unknowns to human eating menu (Lu et al., 2020). Throat swag was used to identify the causative agent which was conducted by CCDC i.e. Chinese Centre for Disease Control on 7th Jan 2020 which was named as SARS-CoV-2 i.e. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 which later named as COVID-19 by WHO (WHO, 11 Feb, 2020) as the virus was first reported on late 2019. Many other countries also reported COVID-19 cases the cases were linked to the travel history to China which helped the virus to travel to other countries within a short period of time, currently many cases are also found without travel history to China. Here in this article we shall display and highlight the known knowledge of the novel virus and we shall give a rough idea i.e. 10 key questions and the way of this novel study of the virus. The patient who are infected with this novel virus showed common symptoms like sore throat, fever and dry cough among which maximum number of cases resolved after period of time with various drug treatments but minority of cases were critical which includes septic shock, extreme pneumonia, ARDS (Chen et al., 2020) i.e. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, severe pneumonia and organ failure etc. In this critical category of 54.3% of infected were male with average age of 56 years. The intensive care support was required were for old aged patients having many comorbidities like cerebrovascular, respiratory disease, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular etc. The patients in intensive care unit mostly reported dizziness, anorexia, dyspnea and abdominal pain (Wang et al., 2020, Barua et al., 2021).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Traditional Medicine: The medical treatment with different kinds of herbs, plants, minerals etc. to prevent the illness.

COVID-19: The infectious viral disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. As it is highly transmitted disease, it is the reason behind the world-wide pandemic situation.

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a United States based health agency.

WHO: World Health Organization, a United Nation based organization specially deals with public health related issues.

Epidemiology: A systematic study and analysis of frequency and causes of healthcare related issues.

TCM: Traditional Chinese medicine.

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