The Role of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Development of Tourism: Case of Georgia

The Role of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Development of Tourism: Case of Georgia

Manana Darchashvili
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2619-0.ch014
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In modern international relations, tourism is a priority area of the economy. In this regard, special attention is paid to its development, because it has a great influence on the stable development of society, improvement of the material condition and, at the same time, the satisfaction of spiritual needs. The chapter gives a clear picture of the role of cultural heritage in the development of tourism as it deals with the various directions of tourism. In case of Georgia, it has very reach potential of tourism development, since it has a centuries long cultural heritage monuments/specimens, sanctuaries, hundreds of churches-monasteries and cathedrals, dozens of museums where many important relics are kept, and museum-reserves. Another key issue is cultural diversity, it draws the interest of those who want to visit the cultural monuments and sanctuaries is constantly increasing. The authors have to highlight that promoting the development of cultural tourism has almost always been a concern of governments at all times, which is reflected in a number of necessary regulations adopted by them.
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Care for the protection/development of cultural heritage in Georgia dates back to ancient times. However, the field of monument protection began to form in the 19th century. In the study/protection of cultural heritage monuments, various unions, societies, and organizations were created, the purpose of which was to preserve, collect, research, and protect antiquities. This approach and attitude are manifested in all periods of the country. in this regard, the measures carried out in the 20th - and 21st centuries, in terms of the protection of museum antiquities and art monuments, are very interesting, important, and relevant. Therefore, the study of the situation in the modern period in the paper, along with the scientific research interest, has a practical value, because, in the modern conditions, the dialogue between peoples in international relations and the creation of conditions for it are of great importance.

It is noteworthy that tourism, in turn, as a means of creating conditions for dialogue between different peoples, occupies a very large place in the life of modern international society. Through it, the cultural diversity of different countries is introduced. The peoples of the world are allowed to introduce their creative powers to others, to pass on the traces of their historical creativity to the centuries. Based on the research interest, it can be noted that cultural heritage is the tool that ensures the achievement of the goal, approval in the international community, with a deep knowledge of the past, which is associated with the promotion of the country’s history, culture, ethnography, material and social heritage, and which is used as the basis for the development of the future. In Georgia, cultural tourism (among the types of tourism) occupies one of the most important places; the abundance of monuments allows this to be done. Therefore, it is important to promote Georgia as a tourist country with a unique cultural heritage, to ensure the development of modern sustainable tourism and to establish itself in the international market, positioning, and promoting the increase in the number of tourists, which directly affects the development of the country's economy. Due to this the authorities of all times correctly understood the need to protect historical cultural monuments for future generations, which at the same time is always and currently an important tool for promoting tourism development. Generally, the importance of cultural tourism is characterized by several components, in addition to economic and social benefits, it identifies the country as a tourist, contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage, and establishment harmony and mutual understanding between people. At the modern stage, tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, the development of which is determined by internal stability and a safe environment in the country. In turn, the tourism industry contributes to the consolidation of peace and development between different countries, as well as to the creation of jobs, income growth, environmental protection, and cultural convergence. This circumstance is naturally very important for Georgian reality at the current stage of European integration.

The paper aims to study and analyze the role of cultural heritage in the development of tourism in Georgia, to show the state's care and involvement in its development, and to consider UNESCO as the best tool for promoting the country's cultural heritage and promoting tourism.

Research Method

The chapter is based on a predominantly analytical method, which became possible through the collection and study of existing scientific literature, articles, sources of information, statistical studies, and regulatory documents. or other written material related to the topic. Also, there is applied the comparative method, made it possible to properly present our research issue based on the comparison of the documents and initiatives developed by UNESCO and other states at the national level, in terms of development and regulation. In addition, one of the methods that contributed to the work is the historical method, which was used to investigate the development path of cultural heritage and tourism, and in light of this, to outline the perspective of its development in the future.

The Hypothesis - the government and the private sector in Georgia, with the active involvement of international organizations, in particular UNESCO, are trying to create a continuous opportunity for cultural heritage monuments in Georgia to be included as the best tool in the development of tourism.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Tourism: Traveling with certain purposes.

Cultural Heritage: Wealth passed on from ancestors to descendants and is an expression of human existence and a creative attitude towards the world.

UNESCO: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, established in 1945.

Religion: Faith, belief, worship, and recognition of God.

Culture: Created by human hands, minds, and feelings. Culture is divided into material (world of things) and spiritual (world of knowledge, values, and symbols).

Ecosystem: A natural complex formed by living organisms and their living environment.

Historical Monuments: A remarkable place or an architectural structure created by man or nature and connected with a certain cultural (architectural, ethnographic) fact or event.

Georgia: An independent, sovereign state in the South Caucasus.

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