The Role of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in the Agri-Food Industry

The Role of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in the Agri-Food Industry

Aswathy Ravikumar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5141-0.ch014
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The food industry has been unable to control the demand-supply cycle and has also fallen short on food safety due to human engagement. Food production and distribution activities may be controlled more efficiently while also improving operational competence using an artificial intelligence-based solution. The food industry's future is entirely reliant on drones and also witty and robotic farming, thanks to AI and machine learning. Smart farming (soil monitoring, pest monitoring, and fertilizer management), food processing (production, processing, marketing, and customer feedback), and food safety, among other topics, need a detailed evaluation of machine learning applications in the agrifood business. It is vital to monitor production lines to ensure that the manufacturing process and products fulfill the required quality standards. A plethora of data may now be created throughout the production process due to growing digitization.
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Machine Learning

Machine learning's three major goals are supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning, and reinforcement learning. A predictive model is constructed via supervised learning by integrating labeled data with prior knowledge of the input and expected output variables. Supervised learning's purpose is to convert the input parameters to the required output variables. Approaches to supervised learning include decision trees, Bayesian networks, and regression analysis. Unsupervised learning methods are used on unlabeled datasets with uncertain dependent and independent variables. Unsupervised machine learning, which is often used for data reduction and exploratory analysis, creates hidden patterns from an unlabeled dataset. In reinforcement learning, the training and testing datasets are combined, and the learner interacts with the environment to obtain data. The learner is rewarded for his interactions with the environment, equating to exploration and exploitation. In opposed to applying previously acquired knowledge, the learner must investigate newly unknown activities to get extra information. As a result, Machine Learning (ML) is a vital component of artificial intelligence, as one of the characteristics of intelligence is the capacity to learn from its environment. Machine learning algorithms, in general, synthesize knowledge from unstructured data in such a manner that the resulting software programs (i.e., expert systems) are capable of performing valuable tasks. The Figure 1 shows the structure of AI, Machine learning and Deep Learning.

Figure 1.

Structure of AI


The Figure2 shows the structure of the types of Machine learning and Deep Learning algorithms used in this sector.

Figure 2.

Types of ML algorithms


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