The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Disaster Management

The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Disaster Management

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9576-6.ch017
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The purpose of this book chapter is to delve into the role of the internet of things (IoT) in disaster management. Specifically, this chapter will address the following research questions and subjects: How can IoT be utilized in early warning systems for natural disasters? How does big data analytics contribute to disaster management when combined with IoT? Furthermore, a review of literature on the analysis of case studies involving IoT-based disaster management approaches will also be discussed.
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For this book chapter, the research involved collecting and analyzing existing literature reviews to gather relevant articles and publications to explore the role of IoT in disaster management. To ensure that multiple academic resources such as IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Yeditepe University Knowledge Center were used. The search terms used were “IoT in disaster management”, “Role of IoT in disaster management”, “IoT early in warning” and similar variations. The content of the selected articles and publications primarily focused on the usage, role, benefits, challenges, and overall contributions of IoT in disaster management.

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