The Role of Chatbot Technology in the Cultural Value Proposition: A Managerial Perspective in Human-Like Interaction

The Role of Chatbot Technology in the Cultural Value Proposition: A Managerial Perspective in Human-Like Interaction

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9324-3.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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In recent years, the cultural value proposition has acquired an innovative technological component. The daily overexposure to multimedia platforms and the pervasiveness of social networks requires cultural organizations to develop strategic trajectories that can stimulate interest and involvement of current audiences on a par with the attraction of potential audiences. This chapter explores, from a managerial perspective, emerging experimentations regarding the use of artificial intelligence for the enhancement of the cultural-based experience through chatbot technology. The research's findings highlight that this technology can take on different characteristics depending on the implementation used and the purpose to be achieved. The innovativeness of the approach lies in the components of interactivity and customization of human-like interaction, through which museums attract and involve more effectively current and potential audiences.
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Theoretical Background

The present research work has investigated, through a qualitative approach, the use of chatbot technology in the creation and co-creation of cultural value. The authors investigated, specifically, the declinations of managerial character through which the fruition of culture based with chatbot technology. To achieve this goal, the authors first investigated the evolution of the attention paid to chatbot technology in the management sector. Specifically, a longitudinal analysis in the last fifteen years via SCOPUS was carried out with the aim of intercepting and quantifying temporally the attention devoted by the scientific community to the research object. The keywords used for this first research trajectory are reported as follow: chatbot and human-like interaction. The entire amount of results obtained was filtered by the management sector. At the same time, the authors explored the interest of the scientific community in the application of technologies enabling museums. The second research trajectory explains the attention to the investigated phenomenon from the entire scientific community, regardless of the field of specialization.

The overlap of the double search track is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Scopus results for scientific community interest towards chatbot technology

Source: authors elaboration

The reported research returns the photograph of a phenomenon whose attention from the managerial scientific community appears rapidly increasing during the last five years. This trend is coherent with the growth of interest towards the phenomenon in the museum sector. The use of chatbot technology is in fact an emerging topic of great interest to scholars and practitioners around the world.

There are many reasons for this. First of all, in an increasingly digitalized and hyper-connected world, the needs and therefore the demands of different stakeholders tend to progressively incorporate a technological component.

In line with the paradigm shift with which markets are called to interface, economic organizations to make their business sustainable over time need to adapt to the new demand for consumption. In this trajectory, there are numerous and growing technological experiments that can not only respond to current needs, but also create new consumer demands.

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