The Role of AI in Finnish Green Economy and Especially in Circular Economy: Challenges and Possibilities

The Role of AI in Finnish Green Economy and Especially in Circular Economy: Challenges and Possibilities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2351-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Environmentalism and artificial intelligence (AI) represent two contemporary global megatrends. Environmentalism has various forms, such as prevention of global warming and improvements of circular economy. This chapter specifically delves into the enhancement of the circular economy and explores the potential role of AI within this context, with Finland serving as a case study example. Finland is particularly noteworthy due to its ambitious endeavors in the field of circular economy. Analysis of study is based on the content analysis of the Finnish public circular economy reports, which contain several AI and digital-based solutions. The results show the shortage of open innovation attitudes and knowledge sharing, which slow the use of AI in the Finnish circular economy.
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Global economy and society have two impressive megatrends: environmentalism due to global warming with greenhouse effects, and digitizing with machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) (Moşteanu, Faccia & Cavaliere, 2020; Karataev, Merkuryev & Titova, 2020; Oricchio, 2021; Vishnevsky et al., 2021). These megatrends have mainly parallel directions to the mankind: environmentalism aims to reduce the speed of the global warming expressing the importance of to diminish Co2 emissions, and digitizing improves the general wellbeing related to the needed raw materials and other resources in production. However, digitizing has also external effects in the form of energy use of the massive engine rooms of data centers by digital service providers (Masanet et al., 2020; Valtioneuvosto, 2021). This chapter focuses on the use of digitizing as a tool in green economy, however. Especially the emerging role of AI in Finnish Green economy, such as in circular economy is the main theme.

This chapter provides the carefully constructed big picture about the state of Finland what it comes to the use of AI and machine learning in the innovations and activities of green economy and circular economy. Analysis covers various perspectives, such as technology, administration, social economy, cooperation and networks between different organizations and actors, financing of the projects for the use of AI in Green economy challenges in Finland.

Especially interesting is to compare Finnish official aims of the use of AI in Green economy with the actual development. The content of the chapter closes up the following research questions or perspectives:

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    the general international progress of AI in the use of green economy and circular economy;

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    the position of the Finnish circular economy technology compared with international technology;

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    the potential gap between the official aims and actual practice in the use of AI in Finnish green economy;

    • -the found features of Finnish green economy, and especially of circular economy related to the possibilities of AI in this branch: What have been done in Finland and What have not been done in order to apply latest technology and AI in the branch of Green economy;

    • -and finally, what is possible to learn internationally about the development and challenges of Finnish green economy and circular economy development.

Figure 1 summarizes the analysis procedure for this chapter. The chapter explores maps the role of AI and digitizing in the Finnish circular economy, drawing from public official reports as the primary source of analysis. Initially, material was gathered using the following Finnish keywords in a Google search: “raportti”, “kiertotalous”, “digitalisaatio” (translated in English: “report”, “circular economy”, “digitizing”), which yielded approximately 12 000 results. Only the first 100 results were examined, and ultimately, only 10 reports were included in the final analysis. These reports were selected based on their public and official nature; specifically, they were not advertisements, they contained sufficient content for analysis, and they either outlined the aims for the circular economy incorporating AI (and digitizing) as a tool, presented achievements in AI-based circular economy initiatives, covered both aims and achievements.

Figure 1.

The procedure of the analysis


Key Terms in this Chapter

Digital and Green Twin Transition: The relationship between the two transitions, which ideally reinforce each other.

Circular Economy: Production and consumption, which involves, possibly for several rounds, sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products.

Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management, which efficiently takes care of environment and possibilities for recycling.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Machine thinking and/or deciding like humans.

Digital Twin: Digital-based test environment, which resembles reality.

Blockchain: Technology, which is based on peer-to-peer technology.

Reverse Supply Chain: The consumer is returning the product without using it, or consumer is sending the product for recycling after the use of product.

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