The Reluctant Impostor: A Narrative Self-Study From Drop-Out to PhD

The Reluctant Impostor: A Narrative Self-Study From Drop-Out to PhD

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3460-4.ch024
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This chapter recounts in both personal and pedagogical terms the journey of the author from a teenager who dropped out of high school to a young person who earned a GED. The pedagogical story then continues to trace the path to the author's beginning as a middle grades educator and, ultimately, as a scholar who has earned a PhD and now serves as a teacher educator. The chapter draws upon narrative methodology, as well as self-study, to examine this transformation alongside relevant research literature. The author includes reflections from journal notes, accounts drawn from family interviews and photographs, and notes from former teacher/mentors in the process. Final conclusions speak to imagine new possibilities for a range of pathways to success in the educational system, and a centering of the power of literacy to empower a person in their lives.
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Telling The Story With Care And Detail

In order to examine this experience further, I am drawing upon the narrative inquiry work of Clandinin and Connelly (2000) to examine the researcher’s changing positionality through the course of life-changes. Being a personal journey, I will eschew the typical use of a third-person reference to self, and I will also weave the literature on this topic throughout the chapter. To pretend that a change in language somehow removes me from my own experiences is a linguistic fantasy. The personal reflection contained in this chapter align with the narrative inquiry methodology.

In an effort to retain the collaborative and recursive elements of self-study, I have invited other voices to this work, from mentors to family members, and considered the artifacts I have reviewed in light of invited reflections. This is a story of person and teacher, and a story of one who found themselves at the boundaries/barriers of school experience, and yet who persisted and reentered the educational system as a teacher, mentor, and advocate for meaningful and healthy experiences with education.

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