The Primer of Social Media Analytics

The Primer of Social Media Analytics

Samuel Fosso Wamba, Shahriar Akter, Hyunjin Kang, Mithu Bhattacharya, Mohammed Upal
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5637-4.ch041
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This article is intended to serve as a primer of social media analytics. The paper explores different dimensions of social media analytics by drawing on a review of the literature. Specifically, the paper sheds light on the definitional aspects, types of social media data and types of analytics to improve firm performance. The findings of the paper will help the reader to grasp the fundamentals of social media analytics.
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Defining Social Media Analytics

The use of social media to engage with customers has increased dramatically in recent years. According to the Pew Research Center (Sheet, 2014), more than 74% of online adults in the U.S use social media to connect, interact, collaborate or engage with others. Social media based recommendations influenced an average of 26 percent purchases across 30 product area and more than 100 brands (Bughin, 2015). The widespread influence of social media as a source of information and marketplace has sparked research interests for social media analytics (SMA) (A. Chen, Lu, Chau, & Gupta, 2014; Qiu, Rui, & Whinston, 2014). Although the impact of social media continues to increase, its measurement remains a challenge.

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