The Practices of Learning Assessment in the Initial Teacher Training: A Glance From the TPACK Model

The Practices of Learning Assessment in the Initial Teacher Training: A Glance From the TPACK Model

Berenice Morales González, Rubén Edel Navarro, Genaro Aguirre Aguilar
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7001-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of the chapter is to disseminate a comparative study developed in an institution dedicated to teacher training in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The study led the follow-up of two teachers responsible for a course of bachelor's degree in Preschool Education called Learning Environments during a semester. Three interviews were applied to two participating teachers. Through inductive analysis, MaxQDA software was chosen to identify categories of analysis. The work is analyzed from the TPACK model, as a systemic and integral proposal to investigate teacher training practices as a complex and necessary phenomenon to continue studying.
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This piece of research took place at Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana “Enrique C. Rébsamen” (BENV), in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It was founded in 1886 and is considered the first Normal School in Mexico. It is a public higher education institution whose mission is the professionalization of educators through pre-service education and professional development programs. Its graduates are professionals who identify and are committed to the philosophical principles and objectives of Mexican Public Education, have developed skills and values such as advocacy, equity, respect of diversity, appreciation for science and a rational use of technology (BENV, 2017).

Currently, BENV offers five bachelor degrees on teacher education in the following levels: preschool, elementary, secondary, physical education and special education. Through the Graduate School, BENV also offers two Master’s degrees and two specialization programs.

This work is part of a PhD project finished in 2017 at Universidad Veracruzana. It reflects the analysis of three interviews with two teacher educators in the Preschool Education Program whose courses took place in the same term.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Normal School: It is a public higher education institution created in México at the end of the 18th century, whose mission is the professionalization of educators through pre-service education.

Learning Assessment: Intrinsic process of teaching, with a constructive value, implied in the appropriation of knowledge, skills, and values determined from teachers and students.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Shulman's proposal refers to Interactions between pedagogical and disciplinary knowledge that leads to the transformation of the content of a program into teachable content for a certain group of students.

TPACK: Referential frame of analysis that underlines the integral reflection on technological pedagogical content knowledge, necessary for every professor to efficiently incorporate technology into their teaching.

Model of Reasoning and Pedagogical Action: Dynamic reasoning cycle that implies critical reflection of pedagogical, disciplinary, and contextual information by the teacher, in order to take advantage of what the students already understand, and adequate content to their characteristics for effective teaching.

Teachers Conceptions Assessment: It refers to the teacher´s visions or beliefs about the learning assessment. It defines teaching practices in the process of learning assessment as verify process or oriented learning process.

Learning-Oriented Assessment Practices: Complex actions promoted by the teacher to generate multiple learning exchange spaces, where the awareness of what is learned and how it is learned is the most important aspect.

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